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Greetings from /leftypol/ (148 respuestas)

25 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 03/08/16(wed)23:19:39 ID:gKyAlrYLa

Lol you need to take the guns from the people and white working class first.

Commisar lopez needs to be safe to steal the private property.

31 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 04/08/16(thu)09:20:29 ID:gKyAlrYLa

Lenin took, or wanted to take weapons from the russian folk because afraid from them if everything went erong, but he could not, becuase they used them for hunting.

All countries with socialists ideology in this world has banned guns, you don't lie to us anymore. Leftist are pro gun only before taking power, after that they take them from all, but their own party.
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