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[Entrevista] Slavoj Zizek sobre los antivacunas, podcasts, Big Tech, etc. [Citas] (14 respuestas)

1 : Crítico despiadado de todo lo existente : 16/03/21(mar)00:13:58 ID:KvG9w7Fd0

Re: Big Tech:
>Maybe they’re really doing the job for us socialists, because they centralized things so much. For example, Jeff Bezos controls distribution. Okay, let him monopolize it, but then we’ll just cut off his head and have a large communist, publicly-owned enterprise. That’s my secret leftist dream.
Re: Antivacunas:
>This is an incredible phenomenon. In Slovenia, around half of the people don’t want to get vaccinated, and it’s not just this conspiracy theory that Bill Gates will put a microchip in our body to control us. My general argument against this type of conspiracy theory is that we have to renounce the idea that we’re free human beings; ‘If I’m wearing a mask, I’m not human. If I’m vaccinated, I’m controlled.’ Sorry, but we are already controlled. We’ve known that for 20 years at least. China, the United States, Israel, and probably many more countries, are recording and listening to our phone conversations.
Re: Podcasts:
>I’ve gotten into a terrible situation because of my position. The right wing hates me because I’m a communist, but liberals hate me, too. Some ten years ago, every two or three months, The New York Times would publish an op-ed by me. Now, I’ve practically disappeared. That’s why I go on podcasts, because if they invite me, I know it will be a friendly audience.
Re: comprar en línea:
>Bookstores are the thing for me. Much more than restaurants or cafes, bookstores were a wonderful place for socialization. And these bookstores, with their displays of new publications, were how I discovered new books. Now, all these complicated algorithms try to guess what I want. I buy a lot from Amazon, unfortunately, but their suggestions are never right.

2 : Crítico despiadado de todo lo existente : 16/03/21(mar)08:12:44 ID:Tp5vncfF0

No pusiste la mejor parte,
>If you tweet more than half an hour per day, you should be forced, for two hours per day, to clean toilets in public hospitals. How can anyone have time for Twitter?

3 : Crítico despiadado de todo lo existente : 16/03/21(mar)11:44:26 ID:kelda2/N0

>Much more than restaurants or cafes, bookstores were a wonderful place for socialization.
Justamente descubrí hace poco una tienda de libros usados barata donde paso seguido para conversar con el dueño. También vende vinilos así que de paso me recomienda bandas poco conocidas, así bien pretenciosos.

4 : : 16/03/21(mar)12:20:41 ID:KLHBNSSB0

>“My dream is to remake Star Wars with Darth Vader as the progressive authoritarian leader who wants to establish a new, more egalitarian order against the Jedis, who are corrupted aristocratic creeps. I hate them. If I were to meet Yoda, I would step on him like a worm.”

ww grande zizek

5 : : 16/03/21(mar)22:22:43 ID:ju9Ii/kO0

>The only thing I like is the finale, when he is freezing, and the woman says, ‘I will never let you go.’ And while she is shouting this, she lets him go.
JAJAJAJ Zizek es muy citable.

6 : Crítico despiadado de todo lo existente : 17/03/21(mie)13:23:41 ID:ijWCwyqf0

"You blacks, like the yellow guys, you all look the same"

7 : : 17/03/21(mie)13:51:27 ID:Hiknc0WH0

Esa cita siempre me ha causado un poco de molestia, porque siempre estará muy relacionada al contexto, la manera en la que se expresó y la intención de la que se dijo.

8 : : 17/03/21(mie)15:33:21 ID:9UvIxywF0

todos acá saben que zizek es conservador ¿no?

9 : : 17/03/21(mie)15:42:54 ID:ijWCwyqf0

Es filósofo, su trabajo es molestar

10 : : 17/03/21(mie)16:07:39 ID:VkygOQVr0

Soy más progre que la mierda pero siempre me gusta leer a Zizek.

11 : : 17/03/21(mie)17:16:21 ID:9UvIxywF0

¿que significa progre?

12 : : 17/03/21(mie)18:18:23 ID:dvK3GxApT

Progresista en general aunque últimamente se le dice más a cualquier persona ligeramente de izquierda.

13 : : 17/03/21(mie)20:31:25 ID:9UvIxywF0

nunca escuche a ningún progresista autodenominarse progre
no voy a mentir, me da cosita la cantidad de apologistas de zizek

14 : : 18/03/21(jue)05:56:03 ID:z6B1Hxpr0!

Ponle color, no tengo que estar de acuerdo con todo lo que leo, menos aún si lo leo por entretenimiento.
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