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Califato de ISIS reduce a lider feminista de los EE.UU a la esclavitud sex. (15 respuestas)
1 :
Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante
: 16/08/15(dom)09:41:06
>Kayla Mueller was inspired by the Free Syrian Army call to preserve enlightened Western Feminist values in the Secular Liberal Republic of Syria against both Assad's dictatorship and the forces of Islamic Patriarchy.
>She was captured by ISIS and forced to submit to the Natural Order of Islamic Patriarchy. she had the Feminist Equality beaten out of her through repeated rapes and tortures. this proud Western Feminist women have been thrown into the rape harem with the Yazidi teens as though she was just common whores.
>As part of their campaign of propaganda against the West, the Syrian Jihadists decided it would be a great illustration of the satanic lies of decadent Western Feminism, to parade proud white Feminist leaders across countless villages stark naked except for a Hijab.
>Kayla Mueller would be forced to stand in the village square in her nudity and denounce all the poisonous lies of western feminism she had once spouted, and prostrate herself proclaiming her total submission to the natural order of Islamic Patriarchy. Often the whole town would be welcome to join in publicly gang raping the western whore. She would be forced to mockingly shout feminist slogans while they raped her. The Syrian women would be terrorized into fear, as they saw the fate of even protected western white women.http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/15/world/middleeast/isis-held-us-aid-worker-as-sex-slave-before-death.html
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