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R.Stallman charla en Windows Research (13 respuestas)

1 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 07/09/19(sab)12:00:37 ID:vmHfoTSFa!

El hippie supremo , en el Área 51.

>Free Software advocate Richard M. Stallman gave a talk at Microsoft Campus yesterday. Stallman was invited by Microsoft Research. Stallman's talk was related -- as most of his talks -- with Free Software, Privacy and the GPLv3. He also had a list of small requests to Microsoft: "make Github push users to better software license hygiene, make hardware manufacturers to publish their hardware specs, make it easier to workaround Secure Boot."

13 : : 10/09/19(mar)15:44:00 ID:nzXQZj5f0

>>12 fuente?

La nube de Azure es mayoritariamente Linux.
5 KB

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