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[Ciencia] Tesla es acusado de segregación racial y 15/23 de monos con Neuralink murieron (10 respuestas)

1 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 12/02/22(sab)21:32:44 ID:MDg5ZmQ20

>Tesla segregated Black workers into separate areas that its employees referred to as “porch monkey stations,” “the dark side,” “the slave ship” and “the plantation,” the lawsuit alleges.
>Only Black workers had to scrub floors on their hands and knees, and they were relegated to the Fremont, Calif., factory’s most difficult physical jobs, the suit states. Graffiti — including “KKK,” “Go back to Africa,” the hangman’s noose, the Confederate Flag and “F– [N-word]” — were carved into restroom walls, workplace benches and lunch tables and were slow to be erased, the lawsuit says.
>The last two years — a period during which Tesla’s stock price has soared — have seen a major uptake in racial and sexual harassment suits against the company. At least 167 have been filed since 2006, according to Plainsite, a court document transparency organization. At least five have been filed in the last six weeks.
>One was lodged by a female Black employee who said her female white boss struck her with a hot grinding tool and called her “stupid” and the N-word and insulted her intelligence. The suit says the supervisor was fired but later rehired. Another was filed by a man who said he wrote directly to Musk to complain about racial harassment and was then told to report to human resources, where he was fired.

>Neuralink’s brain chips — which Musk claims will one day make humans hyper-intelligent and let paralyzed people walk again — were implanted in monkeys’ brains during a series of tests at the University of California, Davis from 2017 to 2020, according to a compliant from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine filed with the the US Department of Agriculture on Thursday.
>In one example, a monkey was allegedly found missing some of its fingers and toes “possibly from self-mutilation or some other unspecified trauma.” The monkey was later killed during a “terminal procedure,” the group said in a copy of the complaint shared with The Post.
>In another case, a monkey had holes drilled in its skull and electrodes implanted into its brain, then allegedly developed a bloody skin infection and had to be euthanized, according to the complaint.
>In a third instance, a female macaque monkey had electrodes implanted into its brain, then was overcome with vomiting, retching and gasping. Days later, researchers wrote that the animal “appeared to collapse from exhaustion/fatigue” and was subsequently euthanized. An autopsy then showed the monkey had suffered from a brain hemorrhage, according to the report.
>The experiments involved 23 monkeys in all. At least 15 of them died or were euthanized by 2020, according to the group, which based the report on records released through California’s open records law.

2 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 12/02/22(sab)21:50:31 ID:MmY2ZjVj0

Musk solo estaba continuando las tradiciones de su familia afrikánera.

3 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 12/02/22(sab)23:22:49 ID:NDM1ZmIz0

Se le murieron los NFTs...

4 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 13/02/22(dom)01:26:00 ID:ZTA2MWUz0

No puedo esperar a las pruebas en humanos que tienen planeadas para finales de este año.

5 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 13/02/22(dom)02:20:22 ID:ZThhYWYx0

Me voy a ofrecer de voluntario para que mis sesos exploten estilo Scanners

6 : : 13/02/22(dom)05:29:08 ID:N2I2ZDA40

Musk, como es de sudafrica, sabe que la raza blanca es la unica que crea, ha creado, y creara las unicas civilizaciones de verdad en la tierra, los negros son una raza maldecida, Cain mato a Abel y ellos tienen la marca de Cain, ya hemos visto a los negros macheteandose entre ellos en plena Estacion Central, maldecidos a matar a sus hermanos por toda la eternidad.

7 : : 13/02/22(dom)06:27:25 ID:MDdjNGZi0

Y tú sólo creando posts de mierda.

8 : : 13/02/22(dom)21:36:30 ID:NjA4OWIw0

>>In a third instance, a female macaque monkey had electrodes implanted into its brain, then was overcome with vomiting, retching and gasping. Days later, researchers wrote that the animal “appeared to collapse from exhaustion/fatigue” and was subsequently euthanized. An autopsy then showed the monkey had suffered from a brain hemorrhage, according to the report.
De acuerdo al reporte, uno de los monos sufrió una muerte de Fallout 2.

9 : : 14/02/22(lun)00:21:06 ID:NDA4NjM5a

Falta hiperrealismo. De todos modos los algoritmos de HFT ignoran estas fuentes o las consideran para comprar acciones

10 : : 14/02/22(lun)16:38:47 ID:MWQ2Y2E20

Si La Ciencia en serio es una religión debería por lo menos existir un culto a los mártires por los sujetos de prueba humanos voluntarios en lugar de esta mierda.
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