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Youtube hará más difícil encontrar conspiraciones (7 respuestas)

1 : : 25/01/19(vie)16:59:53 ID:AQuKZTvy0!

>These recommendations all too often serve up unsavory content: ludicrous conspiracy theories about mass-shooting events being staged, far-fetched proclamations that the moon landing never happened, and hare-brained notions that the Earth on which we live is, well, flat. Moving forward, YouTube promises that you'll see less of those kinds of videos. This is similar to moves it's made in the past to reduce clickbaity recommendations, or videos that are slight variations on something else you've watched.

>"We'll continue that work this year, including taking a closer look at how we can reduce the spread of content that comes close to -- but doesn't quite cross the line of -- violating our Community Guidelines," YouTube said in a blog post. "While this shift will apply to less than one percent of the content on YouTube, we believe that limiting the recommendation of these types of videos will mean a better experience for the YouTube community."

Los del 4 nos advirtieron. Parece que Wikipedia anda en las mismas.

2 : : 25/01/19(vie)17:01:53 ID:yNUx3fNa0

La verdad poco importa si censuran a esos payasos ww pero seguramente también empiezan a censurar discursos políticos, y eso sí sería problemático.

3 : : 25/01/19(vie)17:04:51 ID:AQuKZTvy0!

$ add $[Artículo 13]
$ sync

4 : : 25/01/19(vie)17:05:35 ID:gBr1dHkD0

oh no, pobres terraplanistas

5 : : 25/01/19(vie)17:08:57 ID:???0!


"Building echo chamber....."
"Requesting user data......"
"Checking history........."
"Checking subs......"
"Adding entries to database....."


Repeat process? (Y/n) Y

6 : : 25/01/19(vie)17:14:04 ID:???a

Los veteranos de las Meme Wars nos lo advirtieron... Juntemos Chaos Magick para combatir la censura SJW.

7 : : 25/01/19(vie)18:33:20 ID:???0

heh, nada mal muchacho... ¿pero de verdad creias que destruiria el marxismo cultural a base de ARGUMENTOS y HECHOS?... sientate y observa el espectaculo
*reproduce shadilay y saca un pentagrama con Pepe The Frog*
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