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[US] Policía gringo crea algoritmo para predecir quién podría cometer crímenes (8 respuestas)

1 : : 11/09/20(vie)16:29:27 ID:???T

Justo como en mis películas de Hollywood o mis animés.

>“Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco took office in 2011 with a bold plan: to create a cutting-edge intelligence program that could stop crime before it happened,” reported Kathleen McGrory and Neil Bedi. “The department created a 30-person intelligence department and devised an algorithm to predict who was likely to commit crimes in the future. But the machine Nocco built has turned into a system of organized harassment. Deputies swarm homes in the middle of the night. They write tickets for missing mailbox numbers and overgrown grass. They come again and again, making arrests for any reason they can.”

2 : : 11/09/20(vie)16:41:52 ID:tPQjK7Bb0!

Monitos con el cerebro lavado por el marketing de Silicon Valley.

3 : : 11/09/20(vie)17:27:02 ID:194mWg9p0

>at last, cybernetically enabled racism

4 : : 11/09/20(vie)17:42:50 ID:AnDsIUWE0

Realmente vivimos en la realidad cyberpunk más patética. Pacos culiaos.

5 : : 11/09/20(vie)20:54:19 ID:B8wpvSNZi

Mira en la wea que usan programadores

6 : : 11/09/20(vie)21:30:47 ID:QOx9FGSP0!

En reddit deben estar celebrando esto.

7 : : 12/09/20(sab)09:02:41 ID:xybM5xyIa

Dime que subreddits visitas y te diré quien eres...

8 : : 12/09/20(sab)14:43:46 ID:I8yV42Wa0

1 KB

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