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【Non-Surveillance Poll】 How did you get here? (218 respuestas)

20 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* 5cbc) : 06/05/16(fri)11:13:59 ID:SeXvAIib0

I read about this site around 2010 because of 6-chan, but I kept with 6-chan and its successors until the shutdown of Choroy Pride, after that, I had a mild depression and started hating the site, I had a time of change in which I became a totally different person, and some years later I ran into BaI because I was looking for a way to use MAL from the linux terminal, and BaI's dev had a program like that, so I came here to see how it was after all these years, and I ended up sticking.
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