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【Non-Surveillance Poll】 How did you get here? (218 respuestas)
1 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (152.173.* d71f)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:26:24
In my case, I was looking for a new home page, and this one fits perfectly (^ω^ )
210 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 25/05/16(wed)16:26:43
are you a grill
why is the jaiba saying that? ^
>>208 What is that anime used in it, might I ask
213 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 25/05/16(wed)22:22:38
pipirupirupiru pipirupi
pipirupirupiru pipirupi
pipirupirupiru pipirupi
pipirupirupiru pipirupi
217 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (195.76.*.*)
: 26/05/16(thu)20:37:17
Since you guys are talking about it, does anyone have the actual Maruko-chan video used in /0/? The YTPMV with the guy saying "adolescentes".
218 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 26/05/16(thu)20:41:21
Pretty sure that MAD was made by the admin.
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