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/world/ english thread (55 respuestas)
1 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [GB] (*.1-ifnl.net)
: 17/05/16(tue)06:05:25
English only!
>キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!!
2 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CO] (152.200.*.*)
: 17/05/16(tue)07:57:10
Will Trompetas win the elections?
3 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (64.90.*.*)
: 17/05/16(tue)10:34:08
english master tongue tbh
4 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (*.comcast.net)
: 17/05/16(tue)13:31:32
English is the de facto international language and thus the best language
5 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 17/05/16(tue)13:49:17
English is perfect for puns, better than Spanish, but as a language it sucks, especially its pronunciation.
A weird mix of borrowed words from other languages that kept their original pronunciation for some dumb fucking reason.
No rules for anything, it's all memory, even native English speakers get confused with new words sometimes.
7 KB
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