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Hey guys I've heard good things about your software (55 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 26/05/16(thu)02:40:36 ID:fQZ/aPDA0

Why don't you get Hiro to use it when and if he brings back the 4chan textboards?

2 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 26/05/16(thu)02:41:05 ID:bXoJPMzy0


3 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 26/05/16(thu)02:44:42 ID:6OKB3mxh0

That'd be pretty awesome, but what if someone finds an exploit and haxes Hiro's anus? It'd be incredibly embarrassing for us.
Also isn't 2ch's script written in Perl? It's pretty fast, so chances are Hiroyuki is just gonna use his own software for the textboards (assuming he adds them in first place), since he's obviously used to it.

4 : : 26/05/16(thu)09:00:26 ID:aeBc7VuJ0

I'm pretty sure he meant 4chan, not 2ch.

5 : : 26/05/16(thu)11:56:46 ID:klcX34fK0

Yeah, and 4chan's current owner used to own 2ch.

6 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 26/05/16(thu)14:15:15 ID:LoHLTl+z0

What if 4chan's lead developer had a friendly chat with our dev about installing weabot?

7 : : 26/05/16(thu)14:17:15 ID:C3ibpIW50

Haha, remember that time 4chan got "accidentally" hacked by some guy desperate for some chick?

8 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 26/05/16(thu)14:18:16 ID:7YQEx/8q0

What's so great about your software?

9 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 26/05/16(thu)14:20:45 ID:C3ibpIW50

It's in Python. (m´・ω・)m

10 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 26/05/16(thu)14:28:14 ID:klcX34fK0

It's pretty fast for a script running on a server powered by a couple AA batteries.
Also it's got board-specific rotating banners, a report system, delete by user system, an archiving system, a time limit for threads (either by inactivity [like 2ch] or expiration date [like Futaba]), IDs, country codes...

Other less important stuff: random default names, hostnames, fusianasan, soko, shuffle, noko, !attack/!cure functions from april fools, optional custom css, alternate stylesheets, wordfilters, namefilters, etc.

11 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [GB] (* : 26/05/16(thu)20:02:15 ID:HhqS2Erp0

>either by inactivity [like 2ch] or expiration date [like Futaba]
Can you explain this?

12 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 26/05/16(thu)20:08:56 ID:J8gB4zgU0

>running on a server powered by a couple AA batteries
Can't tell if...

13 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 26/05/16(thu)20:16:06 ID:aLAHfka00

4chan threads die by going past the last page (usually the tenth) and the least bumped one is deleted.
Futaba threads are only deleted automatically when they reach their expiration date (varies by board), though only the first ten pages are listed, all threads past this can be seen in the catalog, and some boards have a 10,000 post limit (この板の保存数は10000件です) which, when exceeded, deletes the oldest thread in the board.
2ch threads are archived if they either go a certain amount of time inactive (no responses; posts with sage also extend a thread's lifespan) or the board's thread limit is exceeded. A few exceptions like news4anarchy archive threads after one day, regardless of activity.

14 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (195.76.*.*) : 26/05/16(thu)20:30:09 ID:JPzhmWVk0


That guy had complete power. He could have caused so much chaos. He could have deleted /b/, made a furry or guro board, put CP on the frontpage, make /j/ a public board and archive it, lots of amazing things.

Instead he decided to check some French whore's IP adress to confirm she liked replying to herself.

15 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (200.1.*.*) : 27/05/16(fri)14:17:25 ID:aAFV7PDz0

4chan's got quite a lot of issues and you are worrying about having textboards?

16 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [JP] (* : 28/05/16(sat)22:18:38 ID:IUeOuJ9j0

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