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[Serious] Pirates vs ninjas (21 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 01/11/16(tue)15:56:29 ID:iPKZ1J8g0


3 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 01/11/16(tue)16:20:41 ID:WooFUeXi0 Citado por: >>18

Pirates are free as in freedom.

4 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 01/11/16(tue)16:25:29 ID:kcTfXRV20 Citado por: >>18

Pirates do what they want.

5 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (179.4.*.*) : 01/11/16(tue)17:09:39 ID:prunmxg50

ninjas got jutsus and shit

6 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 01/11/16(tue)17:11:11 ID:faJ1g4FI0 Citado por: >>10

Ninjas have Japanese Steel™

7 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (137.146.*.*) : 01/11/16(tue)17:12:21 ID:K5aDQ1Gg0

Pirates have boats

8 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 01/11/16(tue)17:13:31 ID:ADXjljSI0

Ninjas have kites.

9 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (191.119.*.*) : 01/11/16(tue)17:18:46 ID:rtRuakMga

A pirate is a one-trick pony; a ninja is more flexible.

10 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 01/11/16(tue)17:39:01 ID:4yaK3vSO0

11 : : 01/11/16(tue)18:04:56 ID:BL+UCRQ+T

M-maybe that katana hadn't been folded enough

12 : : 02/11/16(wed)01:40:55 ID:NrOhtHAI0

Pirates are anarchist and have rum

13 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 02/11/16(wed)13:03:55 ID:58OZ8soS0

Ninjas are nimble as fuck

14 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (181.225.*.*) : 02/11/16(wed)21:48:50 ID:ENH2gI0I0

Ninjas can't fight on the sea.

15 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 02/11/16(wed)23:27:47 ID:cYrE4X0z0

Ninjas are weeaboos.

16 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (* : 03/11/16(thu)01:34:08 ID:+2FHorkAT

>Pirates vs ninjas
Well, it depends of the RPG setting

17 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AU] (* : 03/11/16(thu)03:51:34 ID:ckX5/v6i0

My favorite one is whichever has more appearances on gay porn.

18 : : 03/11/16(thu)16:08:42 ID:eCDBWopB0


19 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [GB] (* : 03/11/16(thu)21:30:58 ID:XovX2eSw0

Pirates can torrent all the anti-ninja software they need

20 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 03/11/16(thu)21:33:04 ID:cPl3BR8F0

What about anti-pirate jutsu?!

21 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (* : 05/11/16(sat)03:34:30 ID:4hQpMtM+T

Pirates are better.

Signed: An actual ninja
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