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[Cuba] So this happened (50 respuestas)

11 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 26/11/16(sat)09:26:06 ID:juEp0qhu0

It's the typical story about a revolutionary guy who, in the middle of a crisis, promises changes and gains people's affection. But then, slowly, he becomes a dictator, and before you realize he's killing innocent people and leting his own people starve to death. It's the same story over and over again: Mugabe, Gadafi, Chavez, Stalin, Idi Amin, you name it.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

12 : : 26/11/16(sat)09:27:22 ID:xP2FhbiZT

>he's killing innocent people and leting his own people starve to death
lol what

13 : : 26/11/16(sat)09:33:54 ID:juEp0qhu0

Oh yes!!! You're right, your poor grammar and your bait-like post has shown me that people have never starved in Cuba. Sorry, and thank you for opening my eyes.

14 : : 26/11/16(sat)09:35:36 ID:xP2FhbiZT

lmfao get checked dude

15 : : 26/11/16(sat)09:38:59 ID:juEp0qhu0

Yes, definitely. I feel so ashamed now. Thank you.

16 : : 26/11/16(sat)09:39:29 ID:MNO8ZpwI0

>being isolated for over 50 years (thanks to the United States, yet some people blame him like it's his fault he didn't let himself be killed or something)
>he's (...) leting his own people starve to death

Like poetry.

17 : : 26/11/16(sat)09:48:57 ID:MNO8ZpwI0

Who's making fun of your grammar you fucking autist holy shit, stop shitting up the thread.

18 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 26/11/16(sat)10:03:39 ID:wBm/65NR0

Huh, quit sperging out all over the thread, ID:juEp0qhu0. It's honestly fucking embarrassing.

I don't even like Fidel Castro, but your claims are simply bullshit. The people he killed weren't "innocents", they were torturers, terrorists, and other criminals employed by the Batista regime. Cuba has eliminated severe child malnutrition and shown significant progress in reducing extreme poverty and hunger.

For fuck's sake, their life expectancy is of 79 years because of how good their health care is.

The percentage of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption is around the same as your country, even.

19 : : 26/11/16(sat)10:20:56 ID:oBn74k5J0

He was a sincere revolutionary who did his best with the material conditions he was given and the historical context he found himself in. He helped to improve the lives of the vast majority of Cubans, sent aid to struggles around the world, and has stuck his middle finger up to the US for 60 years. He wasn't perfect (specially when he had just started) but he was a comrade.
Shrugging revolutionary struggles, despite their flaws, off as "state capitalism" or "not real socialism" is not productive or respectful. This time at least, because fuck China, North Korea, etc.

20 : : 26/11/16(sat)10:23:33 ID:oBn74k5J0

I mean, even if what you said about starvation was true (it isn't), it'd be because of the US embargos, anyway.

21 : : 26/11/16(sat)10:45:07 ID:flASQdBR0

Innocent people die all the time under governments around the world.
If that's your barometer to judge politics you're going to have a bad time.

Also, "letting"? During the Período Especial the government did all they could to prevent people from starving, which is kind of hard when your major trade partner collapsed and the world's remaining superpower locked you out of the majority of global markets.

22 : : 26/11/16(sat)10:45:44 ID:flASQdBR0


23 : : 26/11/16(sat)10:54:00 ID:flASQdBR0

Oh, by the way please don't think I'm telling you you should like Fidel Castro or anything. I just wanted to give a little context to your claims.

24 : : 26/11/16(sat)10:56:38 ID:c74NmMTZT

25 : : 26/11/16(sat)11:07:00 ID:MNO8ZpwI0


26 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CO] (181.49.*.*) : 26/11/16(sat)11:23:19 ID:Qu8N66Xy0

Castro was a dictator who nationalized the means of production instead of democratizing it and giving it to the people
He was pretty nice as far as tyrants go, but ultimately he was an enemy to those who desire liberty and actual socialism
At least he gave quite the middle finger to Daddy America during all these decades

27 : : 26/11/16(sat)11:41:40 ID:0TNqu/Dd0

communism doesn't work

28 : : 26/11/16(sat)12:27:27 ID:XYn3QyMRT

my penis doesn't work

29 : : 26/11/16(sat)12:29:59 ID:1T27qgj90

↑ same

30 : : 26/11/16(sat)13:15:50 ID:AoJtRLqLi

Mine works but I don't use it

31 : : 26/11/16(sat)13:25:03 ID:Y9InjLRWa

Sometimes I use it to pee, but it isn't often.

32 : : 26/11/16(sat)19:42:56 ID:jMKlhkov0

How do I pee? No one ever taught me how

33 : : 26/11/16(sat)23:46:55 ID:ImdlfG8AT

Jail Em All 1959
I am cigar man

34 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 27/11/16(sun)04:42:37 ID:DHRxLh3h0

I think this speaks to a greater American narrative.

35 : : 27/11/16(sun)05:14:17 ID:fOxYEEgg0

>>33 makes more sense than you, >>34

36 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [BG] (62.204.*.*) : 27/11/16(sun)17:11:15 ID:wuwYtTf30

>He was an authoritarian piece of shit
>But then, slowly, he becomes a dictator
>Castro was a dictator

Most world leaders today are dictators or at the very least authoritarian autocrats/oligarchs. And that's been the case for most of human history no matter the culture or civilization. Saying that some country's leader is or was a dictator is no different from saying that he has two arms or two legs. It's just that ordinary.

37 : : 27/11/16(sun)17:14:39 ID:z956CGAt0

people in cuba be like:
"at last I can leave the country and be free" "finally I can come back to cuba to meet back my family" "my uncle who was imprisoned for 15 years is finally back"

20 year old college kids be like:

38 : : 27/11/16(sun)17:26:20 ID:uhQMR2Nsa


39 : : 27/11/16(sun)17:28:40 ID:uhQMR2Nsa

iron fist

40 : : 27/11/16(sun)18:52:17 ID:zA/tvP95T

>at last I can leave the country and be free
>finally I can come back to cuba to meet back my family
I'd love to hear how that's any different from people who want to leave any other capitalist country and can't because they can't afford a plane ticket lol

>my uncle who was imprisoned for 15 years is finally back
Perfect example is a refugee here in Australia who's locked up for 3 and a half years. No charges, no rights and no way to change.
This isn't even a backwards place, it's Australia. Unless of course you happen to be a refugee.

41 : : 27/11/16(sun)18:58:09 ID:z956CGAt0

that's a shitty excuse considering that plane is not the only way to get out of most countries, you still can take a bus or share a car with an acquaintance or whatever, in this case you shouldn't even try to leave illegaly because you might get arrested or killed, and even then the other country might deport you back

42 : : 27/11/16(sun)19:04:19 ID:xqZC2YwkT

>you still can take a bus or share a car with an acquaintance or whatever
lol @ thinking everyone can afford that

>you shouldn't even try to leave illegaly because you might get arrested or killed
And this doesn't happen in "democratic" countries? Fuck off.

43 : : 27/11/16(sun)19:08:28 ID:XDalruhY0

Many people have died trying to come to Chile illegally because there's still active mines in the borders.

44 : : 27/11/16(sun)19:13:01 ID:XDalruhY0

Yup, the only actual choice we get is voting for who gets to choose, that's all.

45 : : 27/11/16(sun)19:26:12 ID:z956CGAt0

not gonna keep discussing with you because you got mad and stuff, but "lol @ thinking everyone can afford that ", yes, everybody can afford a bus ticket to a nearby country, even if you work for minimum wage, and autostopping is always another choice, so the liberty is still there, even if is not that big liberty, is still there versus not having that choice at all in Cuba

46 : : 27/11/16(sun)19:38:20 ID:hzMnCw1HT

>not having that choice at all in Cuba
lol you don't know anything. This is your brain on ideology.
Leaving Cuba is a very long, arduous, and highly bureaucratic process, but it is not illegal, and the hardest part is getting the money for it, anyway. You know Cuba is an island, right? Plane tickets are expensive.
Cuba's existence for over 50 years as a country that refuses to implement Western style capitalism means it suffers grotesque distortions from the Western media (or those chicano exiles in Miami) of the reality of Cuban life. The "Cubans can't leave Cuba" is a good example of this.

47 : : 27/11/16(sun)19:44:23 ID:y98SWxzv0

>yes, everybody can afford a bus ticket to a nearby country

48 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [BG] (78.90.*.*) : 28/11/16(mon)03:11:43 ID:1Vir2LkF0

>yes, everybody can afford a bus ticket to a nearby country
I can't believe I'm going to use this phrase unironically, but check your fucking privilege.

49 : : 28/11/16(mon)20:30:03 ID:HQjlO8wZa

If you work for the minimum and pay rent and have no other support you're gutted.

50 : : 08/01/17(sun)16:00:45 ID:nALWEiHc0

Leftism is a funny thing.
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