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Fresh info from the internet! Everyday! (12 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 07/02/17(tue)19:09:06 ID:ZX/JbRrg0

>Ugly enough for me to think I could get her, but pretty enough for me to be content.

Sad, but relatable.

2 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 07/02/17(tue)20:06:19 ID:oKJ1O9yE0

If you get to talk enough with them eventually you'll notice how every man is a determinist at heart.

3 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 08/02/17(wed)20:44:02 ID:V9p9sXkq0

Madeleine K. Albright (born 1937)

There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women.

4 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 09/02/17(thu)16:00:26 ID:E1C6DRcL0

This comes from two thousand and ten, yay!

Artificial Intelligence Bomb (2:15)

5 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (191.116.*.*) : 13/02/17(mon)18:16:51 ID:CEmn7+84a

i dont understand the rationale of this thread please explain

6 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 13/02/17(mon)18:45:51 ID:2Oh8lzkp0

the popular culture phenomenon that is 'birb' is rooted in the mindset cultivated by LOLcats and doge. birb manifests on both twitter and tumblr.

7 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 13/02/17(mon)20:37:31 ID:qr58Q78a0

Still though, makes me feel a lot better about wasting my youth on image boards.

Sure, these nerds were studying, playing lacrosse, getting laid and being accepted to Harvard. Sure, I instead spent my time reading cartoons by domestic terrorist, rambling blog posts by japanaphiles about their fall into sexual deviency left unrestricted by reality thanks to henti porn, and essays by every type of proto-fascist pseudo futurist anarchist reactionary under the sun.

And god, at times I thought it was a complete waste of time. Spending hours clicking links, digging deeper into obscure internet communities, and chatting with psychotic borderline autistic white nationalists who thought they could use black magic and their imagination to murder their enemies. Sometimes I'd break down and cry- by god, I was wasting my life! While the world moved around me! and I was unemployed! and I masturbated too much and my room smelt like cum! and everything I felt like I learned simply disgusted everyone normal!

But look at the world now. Those same elites are now regurgitating the opinions of philosophers I was getting bored of in 2012. It feels indescribably vindicating.

8 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 14/02/17(tue)19:32:10 ID:5a5Eqrzs0

Goebbels - Los once principios de la propaganda

Principio de simplificación y del enemigo único.
Adoptar una única idea, un único símbolo. Individualizar al adversario en un único enemigo.

Principio del método de contagio.
Reunir diversos adversarios en una sola categoría o individuo. Los adversarios han de constituirse en suma individualizada.

Principio de la transposición.
Cargar sobre el adversario los propios errores o defectos, respondiendo el ataque con el ataque. Si no puedes negar las malas noticias, inventa otras que las distraigan.

Principio de la exageración y desfiguración.
Convertir cualquier anécdota, por pequeña que sea, en amenaza grave.

Principio de la vulgarización.
Toda propaganda debe ser popular, adaptando su nivel al menos inteligente de los individuos a los que va dirigida. Cuanto más grande sea la masa a convencer, más pequeño ha de ser el esfuerzo mental a realizar. La capacidad receptiva de las masas es limitada y su comprensión escasa; además, tienen gran facilidad para olvidar.

Principio de orquestación.
La propaganda debe limitarse a un número pequeño de ideas y repetirlas incansablemente, presentarlas una y otra vez desde diferentes perspectivas, pero siempre convergiendo sobre el mismo concepto. Sin fisuras ni dudas. De aquí viene también la famosa frase: "Si una mentira se repite lo suficiente, acaba por convertirse en verdad".

Principio de renovación.
Hay que emitir constantemente informaciones y argumentos nuevos a un ritmo tal que, cuando el adversario responda, el público esté ya interesado en otra cosa. Las respuestas del adversario nunca han de poder contrarrestar el nivel creciente de acusaciones.

Principio de la verosimilitud.
Construir argumentos a partir de fuentes diversas, a través de los llamados globos sonda o de informaciones fragmentarias.

Principio de la silenciación.
Acallar las cuestiones sobre las que no se tienen argumentos y disimular las noticias que favorecen el adversario, también contraprogramando con la ayuda de medios de comunicación afines.

Principio de la transfusión.
Por regla general, la propaganda opera siempre a partir de un sustrato preexistente, ya sea una mitología nacional o un complejo de odios y prejuicios tradicionales. Se trata de difundir argumentos que puedan arraigar en actitudes primitivas.

Principio de la unanimidad.
Llegar a convencer a mucha gente de que piensa "como todo el mundo", creando una falsa impresión de unanimidad.

9 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 15/02/17(wed)18:45:00 ID:EFOOMtx50

Smart is good, but somebody that learns things and then applies them, working hard to further goals and work with others is vastly superior in terms of opening life opportunities.

From my experience in university, workplace, and communities it doesn't matter as much how smart or how technically skilled you are, making friends/contacts and learning how to get people working together helps a lot more. It's a fact of the social world we live in. You can do so little by yourself unless you are literally a genius with a vision.

Being smart is a multiplier of sorts -- it helps, but you need other aforementioned variables to take advantage of it.

10 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 18/02/17(sat)04:14:18 ID:Wr4uDyse0

I I never think of the Spanish war without two memories coming into my mind. One is of the hospital ward at Lerida and the rather sad voices of the wounded militiamen singing some song with a refrain that ended —
Una resolucion,
Luchar hast' al fin!

11 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 22/02/17(wed)04:28:53 ID:txUrEdrH0

Being middle class but shopping like you're poor has been cool for years.

12 : : 26/03/19(tue)15:10:56 ID:QsjtrEun0

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