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haitians (20 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 05/03/18(mon)05:41:58 ID:2pTLoSaba

haitians are like the mongols or like locusts ;~; it must be a vudu curse

2 : : 05/03/18(mon)06:12:58 ID:pV/97rE90

wena nido

3 : : 05/03/18(mon)09:27:14 ID:ouZd4jTo0

le 15 year old epic troll xD

4 : : 05/03/18(mon)12:30:02 ID:JMyhQC6C0

Imagine being a xenophobe spooked by the ideology of nations.

5 : : 08/03/18(thu)18:39:15 ID:NoTt6+DQ0

go back to Nido or some shit

6 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 09/03/18(fri)20:58:03 ID:xEON5bbya

cats are disappearing ;~;

7 : : 10/03/18(sat)01:47:07 ID:2KenFcr/a

8 : : 11/03/18(sun)10:48:56 ID:Kgph6eUv0

Their language is pretty weird, tho.

9 : : 11/03/18(sun)11:31:53 ID:2KoXDqkN0

jkasjjskaasjjas cierto wn la wea wn qlo aweonao eri la wea fome po

10 : : 12/03/18(mon)10:47:10 ID:7Og2ULSj0

Touche, gringo culiao.

11 : : 12/03/18(mon)18:00:03 ID:Lsk+Icp60

12 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 23/03/18(fri)13:45:34 ID:YPWsegbUa

uhh al menos somos mas como europa supongo

13 : : 23/03/18(fri)15:33:23 ID:VG1T0ygd0

Depends on which country you're directing your hatred towards.

14 : : 23/03/18(fri)21:52:26 ID:xgz+BiwL0


15 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 24/03/18(sat)16:38:42 ID:Wbbh0WQd0

¿Ya somos europeos?

16 : Ilonka Obilinovic [AR] (* : 30/03/18(fri)21:08:20 ID:4shL+sbY0

Los negros son feos pero lamentablemente tienen el poder de conquistarlo todo

El futuro es negro y musulmán

17 : : 30/03/18(fri)21:34:40 ID:V2y87FVe0

Musulmanes culiaos, a esos sí que deberían odiarlos hueón.

18 : : 30/03/18(fri)21:58:21 ID:8O3RQISf0

Guess whites weren't really the superior race then.

19 : : 31/03/18(sat)00:41:15 ID:8tWGZ+yE0

Los musulmanes son una religión, no una etnia.
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