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It's Corbyn day today (8 respuestas)
1 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (*.zoominternet.net)
: 03/09/18(mon)16:59:51
Happy Jeremy Corbyn day, everybody.
2 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 03/09/18(mon)17:07:31
3 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (*.fibertel.com.ar)
: 03/09/18(mon)17:41:02
He seems like a nice guy. Cool beard, says some smart things I don't actually know, hates jews. These are qualities I identify with.
(For the record, he doesn't hate jews.)
5 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.nextelmovil.cl)
: 06/09/18(thu)00:38:36
Corbyn might be the only politician I like.
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Nameless@Passing through the lobby [FI] (*.yok.fi)
: 11/09/18(tue)03:19:19
I think Corbyn seems like a really good politician, and I desperately hope he sets off a ripple effect of change in other European social democratic parties to change in the same way, like how New Labour affected parties across Europe. In Sweden we just had an election, and the social democrats are just in a broken state.
7 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (208.83.*.*)
: 13/09/18(thu)17:20:32
You can thank nazis and right-wingers overall for making everyone believe zionists is keyword for "all jews".
>>6I don't want to be a historical determinist but in times of crisis social democrats don't last very long. Eventually it gives way to fascism which unites the left and liberals against a common opposition and allows the system a reset.
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