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My country is being attacked and overrun by Nazis (24 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [DE] (87.191.*.*) : 09/09/18(sun)14:38:24 ID:6KQJV1Bg0

Feels bad man. The head of our secret service is a Nazi too. I wonder where I am supposed to flee to when shit eventually hits the fan.
Nazis are raiding leftist clubs etc. We are reliving a lot of Weimar experience right now.

2 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 09/09/18(sun)14:44:09 ID:VqYX4WeO0

History repeats itself it seems. Things aren't looking great and the left isn't doing shit.

3 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 09/09/18(sun)15:30:36 ID:5bKSXmuX0

Nazis here are only on social media or a single Argentinian anonymous board.

4 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (12.162.*.*) : 09/09/18(sun)17:00:13 ID:n7JEjsmX0

Die commies.

5 : : 09/09/18(sun)17:14:33 ID:ehwt+eW/0

Shut up, anglo.

6 : : 09/09/18(sun)18:24:53 ID:/CgdTANia

How is the movie "Die welle" perceived in Deutscheland?
What can the left do if liberals let rapist refugees run free in the streets?

7 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (* : 09/09/18(sun)19:41:45 ID:/qjYdoFpT

its getting bad in sweden too and no one cares yet again, except for leftists, who are basically a superminority. then the liberals and socdems will wash their hands after the tragedy and pretend that the situation was beyond their control lol

8 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 10/09/18(mon)00:37:40 ID:vva6ipXF0

When CDU/CSU and AfD join forces, will liberals finally care? Maybe social liberals, but liberals who care about muh individuality and low taxes will turn to closet fascism because muh private property.

9 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (* : 10/09/18(mon)00:58:32 ID:GmSbDdzJT


10 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (* : 10/09/18(mon)01:04:30 ID:BfxnFM0oT
jag gillar hur han smög in romerska hälsningen här, typisk sosse

11 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 10/09/18(mon)03:09:51 ID:TxJpOYBua

What really happened at Chemnitz??

Good luck, Das Anon. Try to invoke the United Nations in case anything fucks up.
I suggest you to go to USA or English-Germanic countries, or just come here ;)

12 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [DE] (87.191.*.*) : 10/09/18(mon)04:02:44 ID:w3yZZ7900

Some refugee knived some german dude, then practically over night 6000 nazis assembled and marched through the city with the police partially being understaffed and partially supporting the nazis. The nazis went after counterprotestors and generally non-whites and now the head of our secret service (who is most likely a Nazi sympathizer--there have been a series of Nazi murders over the years in which people of the secret service were part of that have been semi successfully covered up) is trying to spin the story by claiming some video of a migrant being chased by nazis is fake.

13 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [DE] (87.191.*.*) : 10/09/18(mon)04:10:50 ID:w3yZZ7900

Fuck I hate liberals. Everyone is like "excuse me mister Maassen (head of secret service) but this is a bit weird, your claims come with no merit whatsoever to them and your organization has not a too stellar history, would you care to substantiate your claims? Please?"

14 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 17/09/18(mon)16:33:00 ID:XwLFefYZ0

Shut up, nigger

15 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [BR] (* : 17/09/18(mon)16:56:59 ID:JEfA/j7L0

Bet my ass you're just misusing the word to talk about a right-wing or something.

16 : : 17/09/18(mon)17:52:24 ID:woTVJwU70

You're just calling the secret service guy who defended a nazi gathering and who apparently gave sensitive info to the German neonazi party a "nazi" to make him look bad.

17 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [DE] (87.191.*.*) : 19/09/18(wed)00:02:14 ID:iqUFAlCw0

Our secret service was involved in a murder spree of migrants and covered it up. This was recent,public knowledge too. They actively funded right-wing terrorist groups and it is very likely one secret service member was part of the murder itself.

After the murder of V-man Ulrich Schmücker, the murder weapon was hidden in a vault of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution for 15 years. By manipulation of the procedure possibly innocents were condemned, the case is unsolved until today. The perpetrators may still be covered by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Maaßen gives information to the AfD in the office for the protection of the consitution. We probably have the most powerful nazis in Germany.

18 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 10/10/18(wed)17:50:08 ID:nYX5CJ1b0

that's really cool, i wish my country would get overrun by nazis
wish them luck!

19 : : 10/10/18(wed)19:50:01 ID:dJnnysIh0

Idea: ban everybody on this thread

20 : : 10/10/18(wed)23:06:42 ID:0zjEk/yU0

Dios mío...Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquílas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja el aberración genetíca, al ogro de las Americas... Amén.

21 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [DE] (* : 02/12/18(sun)21:32:52 ID:UTpSaJue0

What's "best" about the Chemnitz thing is that the murdered German citizen was actually a hard-left half-Cuban guy. Those patriotic guys protesting in memory of him would have probably given him dirty looks in real life.

22 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (* : 03/12/18(mon)09:05:57 ID:CxDFPuyI0

Is this post about Ukraine?

23 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (206.132.*.*) : 20/12/18(thu)18:44:38 ID:FhRgn9KC0

>>22 Yes

24 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 20/12/18(thu)18:53:56 ID:TkR5H3LZa

How are things going on there, German-bro??

I'll send you same Ki again...
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