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Post in this thread every time you visit BAI for the first time today (893 respuestas)

1 : : 28/07/20(tue)15:19:53 ID:YxNTA0NT0 rep del


393 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 04/08/21(wed)21:13:08 ID:EzNWYwYj0 rep del

I want to quit my job but I need money to not starve.

394 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 06/08/21(fri)10:33:40 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

tired and sick

395 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 07/08/21(sat)11:29:57 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

this is not very fun

396 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 09/08/21(mon)11:00:58 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del


397 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 10/08/21(tue)13:21:53 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

having thoughts is for nerds

398 : : 10/08/21(tue)23:00:59 ID:Q3OTYwMz0 rep del

chihaya kisaragi best idol

399 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 10/08/21(tue)23:01:51 ID:JlMTlmMm0 rep del

   イ"´ ̄`'ヽ
   | i.|ノリハノリ〉
 ,ヘルlリ ゚ ヮ゚ノii
   `'ィ ァ~ィ ァ´
    T  T

400 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 11/08/21(wed)19:56:39 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

immanentize the eschaton? how about you immanentize some bitc-*a blade pierces my skull, killing me instantly*

401 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 12/08/21(thu)10:59:30 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del


402 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 13/08/21(fri)11:17:02 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del


403 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 14/08/21(sat)19:02:22 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

we braindead over here

404 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 15/08/21(sun)00:07:58 ID:Y5ZjhlZG0 rep del

        /      \
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 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄("二) ̄ ̄ ̄l二二l二二  _|_|__|_

405 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 16/08/21(mon)10:50:44 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

the balls are inert

406 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 17/08/21(tue)14:40:29 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del


407 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 18/08/21(wed)10:12:27 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

408 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 19/08/21(thu)10:51:54 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

stupid things happening

409 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 20/08/21(fri)11:15:33 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del


410 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 20/08/21(fri)11:35:23 ID:VkMTk0YT0 rep del

                             ,ノ  } ノフ___
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411 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 21/08/21(sat)15:19:20 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del


412 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 25/08/21(wed)18:32:47 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

I am the creator of saying stupid crap online

413 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 26/08/21(thu)12:21:39 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

in this thread every time you visit BAI for the first time today

414 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 29/08/21(sun)00:45:50 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

i hate life

415 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 30/08/21(mon)19:42:05 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

words have meanings but meanings don't have words

416 : : 31/08/21(tue)01:19:30 ID:dlYjk2Mz0 rep del

gungame awesome mod

417 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 01/09/21(wed)06:05:03 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

Very sick. Whole body hurts

418 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 02/09/21(thu)15:03:45 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

If Megaman was muslim he'd be Meccaman

419 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (2a02:810b:c640:5748:*.*.*.*) : 03/09/21(fri)20:26:02 ID:QyMTA0NT0 rep del


420 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 04/09/21(sat)22:28:10 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

there are too many things.

421 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (2601:446:c380:4090:*.*.*.*) : 10/09/21(fri)09:04:57 ID:FmZmI0OG0 rep del


422 : : 10/09/21(fri)14:01:31 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del


423 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 11/09/21(sat)14:34:10 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

424 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (* : 12/09/21(sun)16:28:46 ID:czOTY2Mm0 rep del

dojo, casino, it's all in the mind

425 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 20/09/21(mon)02:02:31 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

Nowhere left to go

427 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (* : 17/10/21(sun)02:11:58 ID:E3YzFhNj0 rep del

did saoVQ went online alreadyÇ?

428 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (186.34.*.*) : 18/10/21(mon)12:01:56 ID:A5YzlmOT0 rep del

I'm here, hello

429 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 25/10/21(mon)21:19:12 ID:YxMjhiYT0 rep del

Rumia, show yourself coward.

430 : : 25/10/21(mon)23:31:59 ID:UzNzk0Yj0 rep del


431 : : 26/10/21(tue)00:50:52 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del


432 : : 26/10/21(tue)18:18:40 ID:E3NzFhNG0 rep del

>>430 You have been noticed.

433 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (* : 27/10/21(wed)04:39:54 ID:ExNmU5Ym0 rep del

Many such cases

434 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 04/11/21(thu)00:48:30 ID:ExNjM2MG0 rep del

ass ass ass step on the grass grass grass

435 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (* : 13/11/21(sat)18:06:16 ID:UyNDU3ZT0 rep del

What doesn't kill you leaves you in a weakened state.

436 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 30/11/21(tue)12:16:02 ID:U1OWE4YT0 rep del


437 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [FI] (* : 06/12/21(mon)19:50:33 ID:k3OGQzMj0 rep del

Touch grass, weirdos.

438 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (* : 06/12/21(mon)23:00:25 ID:RiMDA3Nj0 rep del


439 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 07/12/21(tue)11:56:01 ID:U1OWE4YT0 rep del


440 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 07/12/21(tue)15:03:25 ID:A3N2ZiZG0 rep del

hee-ho ~~

441 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (* : 11/12/21(sat)15:00:49 ID:I5ZGI4Yj0 rep del


442 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 11/12/21(sat)15:22:22 ID:MzMDg1Mz0 rep del


443 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 13/12/21(mon)10:51:04 ID:I2MTJmOT0 rep del


444 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 13/12/21(mon)11:55:54 ID:U1OWE4YT0 rep del

wan kenobi

445 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] ( : 13/12/21(mon)13:02:01 ID:ljYzliMz0 rep del

howdy partner

446 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 13/12/21(mon)19:27:58 ID:VkMDIzNj0 rep del


447 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 14/12/21(tue)14:39:14 ID:VmMGNhOD0 rep del


448 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AU] (* : 15/12/21(wed)09:53:18 ID:QzN2M3ZG0 rep del

I remembered this place exists

449 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] ( : 16/12/21(thu)02:24:44 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del


450 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 21/12/21(tue)04:30:46 ID:hjNmJmYz0 rep del

Is this the only Spanish-language BBS that actually has English threads on their "international" board?

451 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 01/01/22(sat)17:24:28 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del

happy new year

452 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [RO] (* : 01/01/22(sat)17:38:30 ID:I2OGQzZW0 rep del

[US] (* ?

453 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 20/01/22(thu)00:30:29 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del


454 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 27/01/22(thu)15:33:50 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del

get serious

455 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (* : 29/01/22(sat)11:19:17 ID:NhM2M2OG0 rep del


456 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 29/01/22(sat)16:27:26 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del


457 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 31/01/22(mon)02:31:14 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del

*captain beefheart voice* sus among us

458 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] ( : 05/02/22(sat)18:25:45 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del

what the hell does that even mean

459 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] ( : 11/02/22(fri)01:30:48 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del

anyways, shit. also piss

460 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 14/02/22(mon)18:01:43 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del

windows 11 is ugly as shit

461 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (* : 14/02/22(mon)18:24:29 ID:RjNzhkND0 rep del

 く|       ,. -‐──- 、.,     ト 、,
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462 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 15/02/22(tue)13:36:07 ID:FlMDBhMG0 rep del

SUP bitches

463 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 15/02/22(tue)15:45:15 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del


464 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 17/02/22(thu)00:56:48 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del

doing things? not today

465 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] ( : 17/02/22(thu)01:19:47 ID:Y3OGExN20 rep del

Where did everyone go?

466 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 17/02/22(thu)12:36:32 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del

it is a mystery

467 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 18/02/22(fri)23:12:54 ID:UyNmU2ZG0 rep del

Ohayou gozaimasu

468 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (* : 19/02/22(sat)19:43:20 ID:kyYzdmMz0 rep del

Alone on this board with a Polish bot.

469 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [v6] (* : 20/02/22(sun)00:02:37 ID:JhZTIyZD0 rep del

very concerning

470 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 21/02/22(mon)12:00:40 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del

       ./;/   ヽ;:',
      /;/ __,.ヘ、___!___
      ,. |/'"´::::|:::::ヽ::::::::::::`"'' 、
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 '´ /::::::::::::::::/レ|:::::::::i:::::ヽ、ヽ;:::::\:::::',
 ,'::::::::/::::::/:/ !;;ハ::::::::|  \!;;;ハ::::::::::::::ヽ.  
 i:::::::/!::::::i/〒テテ ヽ::::| テテテ'!ヽ\:::::::::',
 !::::/::i::::::::ハ ヒ:;:;r  ヽ! ヒ;:;r! !\::::!へハ  
 V'! イi::::::/!:! ""        "".l:::ヘ:::!:|
   ヽ! ヽ!::|::i>、.   、_,、_,  ,.イ:::|:::::レi::|
      |::|:::|::::::`7:.r--r 7´|:::|::::|::::::::|::|

471 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [FR] (* : 21/02/22(mon)15:32:41 ID:I5OWY0Mz0 rep del

Is this board going to close down?

472 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 21/02/22(mon)18:36:03 ID:Y0YTU1Yz0 rep del


473 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 21/02/22(mon)20:22:04 ID:E0MTMyZj0 rep del

Foreigners do not care about us anymore.

474 : : 22/02/22(tue)11:16:20 ID:FkOTNiNT0 rep del

In case of doubt, DANCE MOTHERFUCKER!!

475 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 22/02/22(tue)13:02:57 ID:YyOThjNG0 rep del

very sad

476 : : 25/02/22(fri)00:02:42 ID:hjNmJmYz0 rep del

I always get a random host name when I post.

477 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 25/02/22(fri)11:32:01 ID:c3ZjkyNm0 rep del

It's like it assigns you a host name from a previous poster

478 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 02/03/22(wed)18:45:13 ID:c3ZjkyNm0 rep del

479 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 02/03/22(wed)19:33:50 ID:VjMmY1YT0 rep del


480 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 03/03/22(thu)00:36:03 ID:U5YmMzZT0 rep del

Hola que tal, he aquí un link

481 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 05/03/22(sat)23:24:17 ID:M0MjhkYz0 rep del


482 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 07/03/22(mon)15:49:02 ID:QxNTVmMm0 rep del

That's right, the mascara snake

483 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 07/03/22(mon)16:34:39 ID:Q1ZTYxOW0 rep del

This is not my hostname.

484 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 08/03/22(tue)04:52:45 ID:hjNmJmYz0 rep del

Yeah, the only three hostnames being cycled around are,, and

485 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 08/03/22(tue)15:11:35 ID:QxNTVmMm0 rep del

combo breaker lol

486 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 09/03/22(wed)17:40:39 ID:QxNTVmMm0 rep del


487 : : 09/03/22(wed)17:40:49 ID:FmNjJkYT0 rep del

test test

488 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (168.196.*.*) : 09/03/22(wed)19:52:29 ID:E2NGI5Zj0 rep del

Wena the K

489 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 11/03/22(fri)12:37:44 ID:E5MTY4Nm0 rep del

can't think

490 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 12/03/22(sat)15:30:41 ID:E5MTY4Nm0 rep del

i'm losing my mind

491 : : 13/03/22(sun)21:56:16 ID:hjNmJmYz0 rep del


492 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 14/03/22(mon)11:53:50 ID:E5MTY4Nm0 rep del

guitar. very cool
128 KB

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