El hilo ha recibido más de 900 mensajes. Cuando llegue a 1000 será cerrado.
Post in this thread every time you visit BAI for the first time today (914 respuestas)
Repeat the prayer:
>* Communicate intent precisely.
>* Edge cases matter.
>* Favor reading code over writing code.
>* Only one obvious way to do things.
>* Runtime crashes are better than bugs.
>* Compile errors are better than runtime crashes.
>* Incremental improvements.
>* Avoid local maximums.
>* Reduce the amount one must remember.
>* Focus on code rather than style.
>* Resource allocation may fail; resource deallocation must succeed.
>* Memory is a resource.
>* Together we serve the users.
130 KB
El hilo ha recibido más de 900 mensajes. Cuando llegue a 1000 será cerrado.
weabot.py ver 0.11.0
neptune ★