El hilo ha recibido más de 900 mensajes. Cuando llegue a 1000 será cerrado.
Post in this thread every time you visit BAI for the first time today (914 respuestas)
901 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [EC] (190.123.*.*)
: 06/11/24(wed)12:11:05
rep del
World's premier parasites just chose their leader
902 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (*.prod-infinitum.com.mx)
: 11/11/24(mon)15:04:23
rep del
cock joke
903 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (*.prod-infinitum.com.mx)
: 13/11/24(wed)14:01:11
rep del
good day for getting nothing done
904 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (*.prod-infinitum.com.mx)
: 14/11/24(thu)13:18:05
rep del
Aim for the top! Piss on the moon!
905 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (*.megared.net.mx)
: 23/11/24(sat)01:30:14
rep del
back and to the left
906 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [SE] (185.65.*.*)
: 27/11/24(wed)21:15:24
rep del
börk börk
Soy Ivty A Metz y actualmente soy diácono en una iglesia presbiteriana LAPC de Brooklyn. Quiero retar a todos los miembros de la banda TdA a un combate con cuchillos cerca de mi iglesia. ¡Venid a luchar conmigo si queréis demostrar vuestra hombría!
908 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (*.prod-infinitum.com.mx)
: 28/11/24(thu)15:56:12
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what the fuck
People say the biggest scam ever was convincing society to participate in wage slavery and telling them that's freedom. When really the most impressive was convincing folks that capitalism lifts people out of poverty when all it does, by design, is CREATE poverty by forcing us to compete with each other via wage slavery. Poverty was birthed the day the rich say "let them pay us for everything in perpetuity and make them labor for the coin to pay us".
910 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (*.megared.net.mx)
: 01/12/24(sun)21:15:45
rep del
Remember to fight the war on Christmas
911 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (*.prod-infinitum.com.mx)
: 04/12/24(wed)16:36:43
rep del
What if I get into really problematic gambling
912 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (*.megared.net.mx)
: 09/12/24(mon)18:42:31
rep del
913 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (*.megared.net.mx)
: 14/12/24(sat)17:11:51
rep del
914 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (*.prod-infinitum.com.mx)
: 20/12/24(fri)14:00:06
rep del
130 KB
El hilo ha recibido más de 900 mensajes. Cuando llegue a 1000 será cerrado.
weabot.py ver 0.11.0
neptune ★