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titulo (6 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [PA] (201.182.*.*) : 03/01/21(sun)12:49:46 ID:uAaU4Vx6a

Bai? more like Gay
reminder that cuckime is real and weeaboos are on the same tier as drug addicted junkies.

2 : : 03/01/21(sun)16:42:50 ID:T65FT1ar0

Calm down, there's only one anime board. You don't like anime, don't visit that board.

3 : : 24/01/21(sun)05:01:27 ID:N1w89g3o0

Nameless-san is ever unforgiving...

4 : : 26/01/21(tue)10:30:01 ID:mPGewysUa

Bases as. Dick

5 : : 30/03/21(tue)17:08:45 ID:5cg/KWDC0

    ,,,,,,,,,,,,            ,,,,,,,,,,,,
   [,,,|,,★,|,,]    ./⌒)  [,,,|,,★,|,,]
   (  ・∀・)  ⊆==卍|_  (  ・∀・) Here comes the fun part!
   ⊂ 〈V〉+つ○(l|li゚Д゚li)○⊂ 〈V〉+つ
   /___:|__|   丿  ノ  /__:|_|
    (__)__),,,,,,(,/(,/   (__)__)

6 : : 07/04/21(wed)03:38:08 ID:VP31fWkH0

Wow, anime is real? I can finally get an actual 2D girlfriend?
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