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The Adventures of Olly and Syd (13 respuestas)

13 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (2601:603:*:*:*.*.*.*) : 14/01/23(sat)16:07:25 ID:JjMTUxNj0

What a fishing thread...
I clicked on it as soon as I saw the thread title.
This thread will definitely grow.
                   / ̄ ̄ヽ  _            /:::::::::::\
                  /==(●)/  ̄ ̄~ヽ     /~ ̄ ̄ ヽ●ヽ:::ヽ
                  /-    ト、.,..    \  /     ..、.,┤::::::::::::::ヽ
             /ヽ =彳      \\    ヽ /    //::::::::::::::::::::::::| So, did you catch >>12's bait?
           /   ヽ_         \\  ||   //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|
         /    / ̄ヽj         ヽ ヽ  |ヽ____ノ⌒ヽ:::::::::::::::::::::/
        /     {___/          | |  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/::::⌒l
       /       ノ `'ソ            ヽ|/          /:::|::::::::|
     /       /´  /            /          /::::::|::::::::|
_/ ̄,X______\. ィ_______________/          /:::::::::|::::::::|_______
| ^σ |                     \/_______/   (U:::⊃
5 KB

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