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[Mundo BBS/IB] moot deja a Hiroyuki a cargo de 4chan [QUÉ] (200 respuestas)

156 : ORGULLOSO MIEMBRO DEL CLUB VIP : 23/09/15(mie)15:32:17

SE ARMÓ. El developer principal de 2ch (CodeMonkeyZ) publicó un post hace unas horas, titulado "Cómo Hiroyuki va a vender los datos de 4chan".

A message from @codemonkeyz, 2ch lead developer: "How Hiroyuki Nishimura will sell 4chan data"

Things to know:
* 'Hiroyuki' recently purchased 4chan from Moot.
* 'Hottolink' is a Japanese big data analytics and data mining company. They specialize in mining and selling the data behind social media, blogs, and bbs/forums. They currently only provide service to Japanese and Chinese companies, utilizing data from 2ch, twitter, weibo, blogs, etc. Services they provide are product performance analysis and marketing solutions based on social media data.
* 'Niconico Douga' is Japan's equivalent of youtube. Hiroyuki is some kind of employed with their project. Hiroyuki's company Brazil Future Search provides the search solution for Niconico douga.
* '' is Hiroyuki's pirate site of Hiroyuki made to fulfill his contracts to Hottolink which provides him with millions of USD per annum according to Hottolink's published financial report[1].
* 'Brazil Future Search' is Hiroyuki's search engine company specializing in real-time search solutions. They currently provide search for Niconico Douga and and others.
* 'Effyis' is a company that runs They were recently bought out by Hottolink as the first expansion into the US market.

How Hiroyuki will sell 4chan data:

Step 1: Brazil Future Search will make a real-time search engine for 4chan text data only. They will forgo images because images are not important in data mining.
Step 2: The new 4chan search engine will provide data to Effyis (
Step 3: will add 4chan search to their board search.
Step 4: Effyis ( will provide a firehose of data to Hottolink (their parent company) to use in data mining.
Step 5: American companies will begin purchasing analytics data from Hottolink.
Step 6: There is no step 6, you have already had your data sold to the highest bidder.

After Hiroyuki's initial announcement of purchasing 4chan, Hottolink stock has risen 60 points. This is likely due to insider trading; Hottolink has yet to publicly announce anything regarding 4chan.

You can read Hottolink's strategy in their published English financial report:

Good day.

157 : ORGULLOSO MIEMBRO DEL CLUB VIP : 23/09/15(mie)16:06:35

hiroyuki ## Admin 09/22/15(Tue)23:56:31 No.211402
>what do you see changing regarding 4chan's operation in order to keep the site running long term

I think moot did great work.
even I don't exist, 4chan would running with skillful volunteers.
Only concern is how to pay server fee.
As you know, ads don't work so easy.
people use ADblocks. Clients don't want to put banners in gross pictures board.

one of my idea is adding a search engine in 4chan.
it is useful for you to find what you want.
there is no user posted images so that clients can put their banners without worries.

How do you think?

hiroyuki ## Admin 09/23/15(Wed)00:25:59 No.213080
About a search engine,
you can search entire 4chan in one place.
Catalog feature or ctrl+F is only of one board.

like this;=1&safe;=off&espv;=2&q;;

but it's too old data.
realtime search engine for entire 4chan.

158 : ORGULLOSO MIEMBRO DEL CLUB VIP : 23/09/15(mie)16:16:56

En :

>To raise funds, 2channel had a premium 2channel Viewer service, which provided extra services, made the freshest thread archives available, and gave users access to the popular News4VIP (a random board akin to /b/).

Osea que habia que pagar para postear en /news4vip/?

?? Tch, terrible UNVIP

159 : ORGULLOSO MIEMBRO DEL CLUB VIP : 23/09/15(mie)16:25:29

>17,651 paid accounts and 146,217 trial accounts in total were leaked.

Tenian cuentas de prueba no pagadas? Haha, claro, el punto era que tuvieran cuentas

160 : : 23/09/15(mie)16:35:13

>How Hiroyuki will sell 4chan data:
>Step 1: Brazil Future Search will make a real-time search engine for 4chan text data only.

>one of my idea is adding a search engine in 4chan.


162 : : 23/09/15(mie)17:17:41

>After Hiroyuki's initial announcement of purchasing 4chan, Hottolink stock has risen 60 points.

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