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Salir del país (33 respuestas)

16 : : 16/12/15(mie)23:21:07
>The company I work for has a partnership with NEC, and I have 2 to 3 business trips per year, to Japan.
>I always pretend that I know minimal Japanese, so I always get to hear everyone talking about me behind my back. They see us as subhumans, in all honesty. The times when we go out to drink to "bond" are just opportunities for them to drill me with questions and attempt to get some dirt on me. Japanese code monkeys and salarymen are absolute masters in manipulation. Once you leave the large cities and starting hitting the outskirts, you get treated even worse. I always hear store clerks say things to the other workers like: "shit, here comes another filthy foreigner," followed by a fake smile and an energetic "HERRO! NEED HELP?" once I lock eyes with them.
>I like the food, though.
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