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[dqn] el negro del national geographic quiere que los gobiernos hagan una "fuerza de la verdad" (11 respuestas)
7 :
Trayendo a VIP siempre sonrisas( ´▽` )ノ
: 22/08/18(mie)12:01:17
Hablando de cientistas, Richard Dawkins tiene el cerebro tan grande que tuvo que respostear esta gema.
>Am I alone in finding the very idea of “Continental Philosophy” ridiculous? What would we think of a university that appointed someone to teach Continental Chemistry? Continental Algebra? Does it tell us something about philosophy as an academic discipline?https://twitter.com/RichardDawkins/status/1027987434674552834>"Continental Philosophy". What kind of a Search for Truth is region-specific? Continental Chemistry? Continental Algebra? What nonsense!https://twitter.com/richarddawkins/status/334656775196393473
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