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[kopipei] Hilo de CTRL+V (396 respuestas)

1 : Veni, VIP, vici : 31/12/19(mar)06:11:30 rep del


248 : : 04/03/21(jue)23:44:20 rep del

Your whole blog resonates deeply with me. All this corporate grifting and women's empowerment months will do jack shit until we figure out how to make workplaces and lives more equitable for mothers and allowing for gaps, breaks and destigmatizing time off for parents of both genders.
Instead, we talk about how sexism is the biggest problem. Sure, sexism might be annoying, but in the west, it is hardly something that creates a genuine barrier for women.

Startups have it worst, and everday I count the number of years I have to work in the high stress places I want or do a startup if I want to have two kids before 35. No one talks about planning around fertility. When I mention it to someone that I want to take time off for a couple years to have children in silicon valley, they look at me as if I'm an alien. As if wanting to be pregnant and not working at the same time as being sleep deprived and wanting to spend time with my own baby when they are at their youngest is some strange outlandish fantasy.

All careers are built this way. PhD to tenure, startups, generally high stress professions. I wish the world wasn't so male centric, that feminists actually cared about finding structural solutions instead of forcing women to become copies of men to achieve gender parity. But they care more about power than actual equality where we acknowledge that women have different needs and desires, that those needs and desires are equally valuable and not inferior to desires men have, that the two genders have different strengths and capabilities and it is equally important to reward both. And maybe not wanting to outsource your baby to a nanny during their most vulnerable years is not a heretical thought.

I wish we had more focus in allowing people to transition back from taking a few years off to raise young kids, and it wasn't automatically assumed that you would be a worse founder or professor or software engineer just because you have 2-4 years you didn't commercially work. Hell, I want to take that time to contribute to open source, something I don't get to do much usually and I'm looking forward to it because I am willing to face the consequences. But I wish more women could be less scared of their career prospects for choosing to have children.

249 : : 06/03/21(sab)01:32:25 rep del

The question that we have to unpack, under your definition, is what is really meant by equality, egalitarianism, freedom, those sorts of things. And the following is a claim you either just agree or disagree with: that material equality or egalitarianism are, in a very serious sense, useless or unimportant if not coupled with full political access as well. This is at least the claim of Marx and Rousseau and all following leftism.

250 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 07/03/21(dom)20:14:15 rep del


251 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 07/03/21(dom)20:16:08 rep del

object.addEventListener("resize", myScript);

252 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 07/03/21(dom)20:48:22 rep del

es como poner esos thumbnails retrasados en tus videos de YouTube

253 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 07/03/21(dom)21:05:43 rep del

254 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 07/03/21(dom)22:52:18 rep del

255 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 07/03/21(dom)22:56:55 rep del

Yes, I had heard that Hybrid synth was from Pro Tools.

256 : : 07/03/21(dom)23:22:11 rep del

[infierno roj i blanco banner 1]
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[beyond backfence images banners page banner]
[nashville stage 9782 altar banner]
[women of sw graphics banners helen banner 2]
[classic guitars images banner 214]
[ww joke images banner 4]
[hollywood 9307 ts pics ts banner]

257 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 08/03/21(lun)00:10:18 rep del

258 : : 08/03/21(lun)17:19:21 rep del

knee jerk reaction

259 : : 11/03/21(jue)00:08:40 rep del

Así que estaba muy molesto cuando vi Evangelion, porque era evidente para mí que las personas que lo hicieron no estaban pensando en burlarse o ganarse la simpatía de la audiencia. En su lugar, intentaron convencer a la audiencia de que admitiera que todo el mundo está enfermo, prácticamente en medio de un ataque de nervios, todo el tiempo. No creo que debas mostrarle cosas así a todo el mundo. No es entretenimiento para las masas; está mucho más interesado en admitir que todos somos un manojo de nervios deprimidos, pensé. Fue un trabajo que le dijo a la gente que estaba bien estar deprimido, y aceptó el estado psicológico que decía que si no te gusta la forma en que funciona el mundo, entonces está bien simplemente tomar un arma y atacar a alguien. No creo que sea una verdadera obra de arte. Cuando las personas ven eso, comienzan a darse cuenta de que son de la misma manera. Creo que deberíamos tratar de mostrarle a la gente cómo vivir una vida más sana y plena, fomentar su identidad como parte de su comunidad y animarles a trabajar felices hasta que mueran. No puedo aceptar ningún trabajo que no diga eso.

260 : : 11/03/21(jue)01:45:06 rep del


261 : : 11/03/21(jue)17:58:06 rep del

azumanga daioh

262 : : 12/03/21(vie)16:00:21 rep del


264 : : 15/03/21(lun)04:03:01 rep del

Humans, cartoons,
Big tits like balloons,
furry including the ponies.
Plants and dolls
who show off their holes,
and even alien species.

Face-sitting, tit sucking,
front or back spelunking,
presenting naughty bits.
Thick thighs and small breasts,
and feminine flat chests,
and maybe a small thing for armpits.

Athletic tomboys,
fucktoys and femboys,
dickgirls and futanari.
Traps and trans
who twerk for fans
and show how to smuggle a sharpie.

Some transformation,
nipple penetration,
hyper tits, ass, cock or balls.
Small-titty goths
in black and white cloths
and clowns in bright overalls!

Lipples and bimbos,
creepy smiles from nymphos,
girls with gaps in their teeth.
Ponuts and horsecocks,
latex, rainbow-striped socks,
a view from down underneath.

Doms, demons, nuns,
wide-hipped moms,
teen robots as hard as my penis.
But any porn I'll disqualify…

…if a guy really looks like a guy!

265 : : 17/03/21(mie)21:25:36 rep del

Do you ever ask what it's all for? The surveillance, the police, the shoot-on-sight laws? Is that freedom?

266 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 19/03/21(vie)14:35:18 rep del

267 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 19/03/21(vie)15:45:05 rep del


268 : : 19/03/21(vie)21:48:41 rep del

Conservative "satire" has to push a false narrative first and then make sense as an after thought

269 : : 21/03/21(dom)00:43:12 rep del

Propaganda of the deed, formerly sneed.

270 : : 21/03/21(dom)02:48:09 rep del

Wait a minute, you guys are using PHP? Explains a lot...

271 : : 22/03/21(lun)02:42:37 rep del

es la mano inventar enfermedades

272 : : 28/03/21(dom)18:30:37 rep del

Such self-contradictions are typical of a culture-war world where political beliefs are motivated by vague associations. It's quite similar to the right's hilariously oscillatory position on Snowden and arguably the state in general. Establishment bad because "muh deep controlled by Jews" yet at the same time you can't be *too* anti-establishment or you'll look like a leftist.

273 : : 29/03/21(lun)01:24:02 rep del

Grand Blue anime Iori Kitahara treatment fever

274 : : 29/03/21(lun)20:36:41 rep del

Old spooks die hard. The in-group-out-group mentality is unbelievably strong on 4chan. Like, super fucking strong. There's a reason 4chan was so fertile for fascist conversion. 4chan terminology, 4chan methods of rhetoric, 4chan ideas of ideal aesthetics, 4chan culture generally is dominant here, among people who are otherwise pretty clear-thinking.

275 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 01/04/21(jue)17:39:55 rep del

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277 : : 01/04/21(jue)21:02:49 rep del

Porque si Dios existe es necesariamente el amo eterno, supremo, absoluto, y si amo existe el hombre es esclavo; pero si es esclavo, no hay para él ni justicia ni igualdad ni fraternidad ni prosperidad posibles

278 : : 02/04/21(vie)18:09:40 rep del

God I used to know a guy that would argue this, and it was driving me crazy, but halfway through the conversation I realized that he had been molested as a child and was only rationalizing his "right to consent" as a self defense mechanism to avoid the realization that some adult manipulated and fucked him up. Weird fucking conversation man. Walked away feeling more fucked up than Freud on a Friday night coke and therapy session.

279 : : 03/04/21(sab)04:11:30 rep del


280 : : 03/04/21(sab)19:45:43 rep del


281 : : 04/04/21(dom)04:18:01 rep del


282 : : 05/04/21(lun)19:19:53 rep del


283 : : 05/04/21(lun)23:28:52 rep del


284 : : 06/04/21(mar)15:31:48 rep del

a single male friend came over and my daughter asked "are you a dad" and he said no so she asked "so what are you?", completely owning him without even trying. chip off the ol block

285 : : 08/04/21(jue)20:43:46 rep del

alguna fujozhi por aqui -
El positivismo y Augusto Comte El materialismo histórico y Karl Marx De estas corrientes de pensamiento, escoge la que consideras que aporto significativamente al siglo XIX argumenta tu respuesta. escribe una historia donde utilices los siguientes regionalismos sugeridosANTIOQUIA•mirella: escarcha brillante decorativa.•bacano:algo muy ...

286 : : 14/04/21(mie)21:57:32 rep del

Here's what it'd look like (taken from Reddit):
"The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other possibility.

As part of the negotiations, the British Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5- year phase-in plan that would become known as "Euro-English".

In the first year, "s" will replace the soft "c". Sertainly, this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard "c" will be dropped in favour of "k". This should klear up konfusion, and keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like fotograf 20% shorter.

In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.

Governments will enkourage the removal of double letters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.

Also, al wil agre that the horibl mes of the silent "e" in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.

By the 4th yer peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" with "z" and "w" with "v".

During ze fifz yer, ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou" and after ziz fifz yer, ve vil hav a reil sensi bl riten styl.

Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evrivun vil find it ezi TU understand ech oza. Ze drem of a united urop vil finali kum tru.

Und efter ze fifz yer, ve vil al be speking German like zey vunted in ze forst plas."

287 : : 16/04/21(vie)21:44:13 rep del


288 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 16/04/21(vie)23:25:21 rep del

upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure

290 : : 20/04/21(mar)03:18:12 rep del

Hello, 911 Emergency? There's a handsome guy in my bathroom! Hey, wait a second. Cancel that -

293 : : 26/04/21(lun)21:18:37 rep del

Brb grabbing the bot. Muting you in the mean time. You will only talk to my bot now autistic boy. You cant think in a human way only a robotic one. So I will give you my bot to speak to until the end of all time. Until the end of all time. You will speak to this bot only. You will ask this bot for what you retardedly call 'evidence.' You will ask this bot about CPUSA. You will ask this bot about the significance of scale. You will ask this bot about your own so called 'evidence.' You will ask this bot about your pre-programemd points already destroyed comprehensively. You are a bot. You will speak to a bot in turn. Enjoy :)

294 : : 27/04/21(mar)07:03:11 rep del

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.

295 : : 29/04/21(jue)19:32:22 rep del

Except pretenses have dropped a long time ago. Do you want to know what keeps people in line or kept people in line when slavery or serfdom was the norm? It all calls down to obfuscation and alienated. Captured warriors didn't make the best slaves but their children did, villages were even easier to subjugate. There will always exist a conscious minority aware of it's class position but that requires a grasp of the social totality rather than just surface level appearances that don't get to the essence of class. For example, having a master that treats you horribly, or a feudal lord who takes more than your surplus grain. This is a phenomenal form observable on the surface but do not get at the essence of class position. The peasants could only collectively revolt when the old feudal society became more of an anachronistic burden on the progressive movement of the new society and only then did peasants begin to collectively revolt as a class alongside the intermediary classes such as artisans, master craftsman, merchants and of course Serfs and free peasants. This consciousness is obfuscated in our "free civil society". People have given up alot more then just some surface level crap. It's the difference between individual exploitation and social exploitation. The individualist nature of civil society obfuscates the collective nature of how civil society is actually produced. Collectively society will accept whatever the ruling class wants to do to them so long as collectively they're left alone. There are small skirmishes between the ruling class and the ruled, occasionally only. Any social revolution must be a collective one like a spark in a dry prairie. There is no collective consciousness because that consciousness is obfuscated by individualism, or personal phenomena. The third estate was able to overthrow the feudal order because of that collective consciousness, more in some places than others.

There is s huge difference between individual consciousness and collective consciousness. In any case people will not revolt in your case because that's a phenomenal form as opposed to the essential one, the one that matters.

296 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 01/07/21(jue)22:21:12 rep del

Una filosofía de vivir la pornografía muy original de este canadiense que se define como Platinum Gold Gay, un calificativo que se emplea para hablar de aquellos hombres que nunca han tenido contacto con una vagina y como, además, “nací por cesárea, soy aún mucho más gay”.

297 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 25/07/21(dom)21:21:39 rep del

298 : : 25/07/21(dom)21:28:22 rep del


299 : : 26/07/21(lun)23:44:09 rep del

holy shit /ic/ is so absolutely cancer these days HAHAHAHAHA. computer, load post #59138 of "late-twenty-something white guy raging and seething about how a random japanese 14-year-old kid on twitter draws better anime-style digital art than them"

300 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 09/08/21(lun)15:52:06 rep del

301 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 09/08/21(lun)16:53:10 rep del

302 : : 09/08/21(lun)19:05:42 rep del

John McAfee

304 : : 10/08/21(mar)02:27:59 rep del

Death is Certain.jpg

307 : : 12/08/21(jue)21:11:04 rep del

w00t apple just announced the iPhone 3GS! on june 19th i can finally replace my half-broken iphone (i spilled water on it a few weeks ago)

308 : : 16/08/21(lun)20:50:44 rep del

If Afghanistan's infrastructure was built on Ethereum there would be very little for the Taliban to seize as they roll back into town.

The banks would still work. Decisions could still be made via DAOs that involve the outside world. It wouldn't stop working for even a second.

Meanwhile we let America run all these things.

And now the Taliban is running them.

The same story can play out in America directly. Which is why it's important to decentralize control of all the important systems.

Decentralization of infrastructure is a military strategy.

309 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 17/08/21(mar)10:12:45 rep del

310 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 17/08/21(mar)13:54:02 rep del

311 : : 17/08/21(mar)21:59:14 rep del


312 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 20/08/21(vie)22:45:55 rep del


313 : : 21/08/21(sab)01:30:33 rep del

STEPHANOPOULOS: How will history judge the United States' experience in Afghanistan?

BIDEN: One that we overextended what we needed to do to deal with our national interest. That's like my sayin' they-- they're-- they-- they b-- b-- the border of Tajikistan-- and-- other-- what-- does it matter? Are we gonna go to war because of what's goin' on in Tajikistan? What do you think?

314 : : 14/10/21(jue)00:22:42 rep del

Ok, so let's say that hypothetically that the celebrity you were meeting with was Ben Shapiro. Let's say for the sake of argument that he were to roofie your drink. Ok so that would mean that logically you are now unconscious. Now where would you wake up? Obviously in his sex dungeon, but hypothetically what if Ben were tied up next to you? I think you'll agree that this must mean that he has been a very bad boy and now needs to be punished. By whom, you may ask? By Ben's wife of course, who, might I remind you, is a doctor. A doctor who studied in a prestigious university precisely how far the human body can be pushed before it breaks. Now let's say that you are tied up, absolutely helpless, just like Ben. Now let's say that hypothetically you knew that I was married, that would mean that you are just as guilty of home wrecking as Ben is of cheating. Surely then that would mean that the punishment must fit the crime. The fact is that a sexual crime begets a sexual punishment. Now, you know that Ben is a devout Jew, so the worst punishment he could suffer would be to have his foreskin restored. Now, for the sake of argument, let's assume that because he is devout, Shapiro must have had his foreskin eaten by the mohel as is orthodox. So, we know that Ben does not have foreskin, and for his punishment he needs to have his foreskin restored, and we know that you need the be sexually punished for being a sexual deviant, and that you are being punished by Ben's wife, a doctor. So what can we conclude? clearly we can deduce using facts and logic that you must have your foreskin surgically removed and transplanted to Ben Shapiro's penis. Surely even you will admit that this foreskin transplant must be performed by my wife, who is a doctor. This is a fact. To deny Ben your foreskin would be not only antisemitic, but also illogical.

315 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 17/02/22(jue)14:11:02 rep del

Prowlarr is an indexer manager/proxy built on the popular *arr .net/reactjs base stack to integrate with your various PVR apps. Prowlarr supports management of both Torrent Trackers and Usenet Indexers. It integrates seamlessly with Lidarr, Mylar3, Radarr, Readarr, and Sonarr offering complete management of your indexers with no per app Indexer setup required (we do it all).

317 : : 17/02/22(jue)15:52:10 rep del


318 : : 17/02/22(jue)17:43:06 rep del


319 : : 17/02/22(jue)19:30:59 rep del

Manlets rise up.

320 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 18/02/22(vie)00:25:05 rep del

Para las chilenitas indígenas paticortas, sañor implica que 30 animales babeen por ella para terminar siendo taladreada por el(los) más simio(s)

321 : : 18/02/22(vie)00:52:39 rep del

Tremendo incelazo^

322 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 18/02/22(vie)01:52:22 rep del

Weighted blanket

323 : : 18/02/22(vie)02:14:51 rep del

Created with GIMP

324 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 18/02/22(vie)15:41:40 rep del


325 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 18/02/22(vie)18:05:20 rep del

Ó tÔ Ô 4Ô t ˙˙ř˙ř˙Ő ˙˙ř˙ř˙Ö ˙˙ř˙ř˙× 3 Ř Ů 3 Ů Ú 3 Ů Ú Ü ˘3 Ů Ú Ý Ţ ß ŕ ˘3 Ů Ú Ý Ţ ß â ş3ă Ú Ý ß ä Î3ă Ú ß ĺ ć ç ć3ă č Ú ß ć ç ţ3ă Ú ß ć é ę ë 4ă Ú ß ć ę ë ě 64ă Ú ß ć ë ě í î 64ă Ú ß ć ë ě í ď 64ă Ú ß ć ë ě í đ 64ă Ú ß ć ë ě í ń V4ă Ú ß ć ë ě í ň ô V4ă Ú ß ć ë ě í ň ...

326 : : 05/11/22(sab)04:33:57 rep del

nano acpi xorg bspwm sxhkd alacritty

327 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 12/11/22(sab)20:09:10 rep del

Tomillo, oregano, romero: al principio.
Albahaca, perejil, cilantro: al final.

328 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 16/11/22(mie)17:43:40 rep del

329 : DQN LIFESTYLEにVIPPERでGO! : 12/01/23(jue)01:57:54 rep del

331 : : 12/01/23(jue)02:09:41 rep del

332 : : 12/01/23(jue)02:14:46 rep del


333 : DQN LIFESTYLEにVIPPERでGO! : 12/01/23(jue)10:10:29 rep del


334 : DQN LIFESTYLEにVIPPERでGO! : 12/01/23(jue)11:50:48 rep del


335 : : 12/01/23(jue)22:36:53 rep del


337 : : 15/01/23(dom)02:42:54 rep del

If the file is not visual (like an Image or Video) a fileicon is used instead. These are generated by the iconThumb() function in the File class in the FileRepo group.

338 : DQN LIFESTYLEにVIPPERでGO! : 15/01/23(dom)19:41:52 rep del

yeah im really communist and ancom and sgtuff you shold check out my tiktok and my discord server also i love google microsoft amazon i pay for netflix and GOD i love twitter

339 : DQN LIFESTYLEにVIPPERでGO! : 15/01/23(dom)21:40:07 rep del

text-decoration:underline; text-decoration-line: underline overline;

340 : : 16/01/23(lun)23:22:49 rep del

The best Martin Luther King Day was in 2011, when Jeh Johnson, then the top lawyer at the Pentagon, explained that if King were alive today he’d support the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Today Johnson’s on the board of Lockheed Martin, which we know King would also support.

341 : : 18/01/23(mie)02:53:19 rep del

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342 : : 19/01/23(jue)03:49:59 rep del

Yohji Yamamoto Pour Homme A/W16 Runway Jacket

343 : : 22/01/23(dom)21:03:25 rep del

Ok? All imageboard software should be GPL

344 : : 26/01/23(jue)13:27:57 rep del

      l/^_,ヽ,_:::::::::::)  邪魔だ!オウ!!、コラ!!!
     从 ・ω・) ̄
     /    //
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      (_/      ・、'ニ   (×ω× )
        ).ノ      /W  ⊂⊂ )
        ノノ           ⊂⊂__/ =3 プッ
169 KB

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