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BAI BAI (7 respuestas)

1 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 09/07/20(jue)15:05:04 ID:ejh7bEj9C

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I'm closing 9chan until the new owner can take it over and off my hardware. I left it in the hands of the few people while I focused on myself and other things, with the intention of passing it along seamlessly. Today logged in to see it not in a state I can continue to host. The domain will be transfered when they are able to receive it.

This will be my final message as proprietor of 9chan. During the month of June, we received no DMCA complaints, but I was contacted by an FBI anti-terrorism agent in regards to a credible threat against Jews posted on /bestpol/. He asked for voluntary surrender of information from a poster on the site. Due to our data retention policies, there was no information attached to the post.

9chan was a love letter of mine to the community of 8chan, which I saw as shattered and abandoned. I believed that by dedicating the resources I had accrued in keeping the Kiwi Farms safely hosted, I could reunite a broken community and we would see the same fountain of creativity we saw during the first months of 8chan's popularity. Instead, the site attracted nothing but mentally ill namefags, politically charged extremists, and outspoken pedophiles. I can't tell if this is just the core demographic of imageboards now, or if this (the later demographic especially) was some sort of pointed attack on myself specifically.

Regardless of why, I cannot host this. The tools I need to deal with that level of aggressive, destructive behavior are inaccessible to someone with no budget on a website with no accounts.

Anything I say regarding imageboards and their fate will be construed as the words of a sore loser, so I will keep them to myself. What I have learned outside of that is to be thankful for what I already have. In the future, I will focus more on those things.

Take it easy,


2 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 09/07/20(jue)15:10:07 ID:55WWrfVWF

>Instead, the site attracted nothing but mentally ill namefags, politically charged extremists, and outspoken pedophiles. I can't tell if this is just the core demographic of imageboards now, or if this (the later demographic especially) was some sort of pointed attack on myself specifically.
Te tengo malas noticias.

3 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 09/07/20(jue)15:16:51 ID:CnUaHJkhF

Si después de que internet se llenara de normalazos es cuando los imageboards empezaron a llenarse con lo peor de lo peor, eso significa que hay más enfermos mentales entre los normales que los nerds perdedores introvertidos.

4 : : 09/07/20(jue)15:55:43 ID:w/l2Rb49F

La gente se deja influenciar por su entorno, no hay gente rarita o normalita

5 : : 09/07/20(jue)16:46:25 ID:2iDxRDM5F!

6 : : 09/07/20(jue)16:52:51 ID:55WWrfVWF

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (2001)

7 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 09/07/20(jue)21:32:22 ID:zCcCcxYmF

3 KB

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