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Ha llegado Junio (20 respuestas)

17 : CUARENTENAにVIPPERでGO! : 05/06/22(dom)22:59:49

El tipo que inventó el sensor del pulso de los relojes es furro:
>This is Silicon Valley. I fursuit at work. Sometimes when I [fur]suit at work, no one even comments. I do think it adds street cred, because it is seen as edgy.
>As a Silicon Valley executive, I used to take my work team out to upscale restaurants in-fursuit. I've even raised venture capital in-fursuit.
>So there we were, eating, drinking, and I look up to see a balding, middle-aged, blue-eyed businessman standing there. He said he's from Chicago, and “what’s with the suit.” So, I explained I’m a furry, and this is my team from my startup. He said, “I’m a venture capitalist.” And so we talked. Six weeks later, he invests.

>This became a legend at work, so people at work think my suiting is cool.
Cosas como esta me recuerdan al Stallman, en un buen sentido.
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