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[Internet] Varios influencers de redes sociales son actores pagados (5 respuestas)

1 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 23/10/21(sab)23:28:20 ID:JA+h6/m80

>In June, the UK tabloid the Mirror published a story about a TikTok video that discussed “the four biggest dating app red flags,” according to a creator named @sydneyplus, who said she worked at a dating site. Said red flags include standing in front of a fancy car (likely not their own), describing oneself as an “entrepreneur,” or being weirdly obsessed with their mom. The article is a typical hastily written web post capitalizing on trending content in order to drive pageviews, and was later picked up by the New York Post. The only problem was that @sydneyplus doesn’t work at a dating site, because @sydneyplus doesn’t really exist.
>“Sydney,” a broke, blonde 20-something who lives on her sister’s couch and works in customer service at a dating site, is the invention of a team of writers, one actress, and a technology/entertainment/media company called FourFront. Co-founded by a former screenwriter named Ilan Benjamin, the company has so far launched 22 “stories,” or character arcs, eight of them ongoing since the spring. Sydney’s “story,” for example, was that she found out that her sister’s fiancé was cheating, while Ollie, a trans man, discovers that his father also transitioned.

2 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 01/11/21(lun)20:49:15 ID:fwO7TTQe0

literal hay escuelitas y cursitos para ser instagram-influencer el truco es simple busca modelos y actrices y luego ponlos a recomendar productos basura y mira a su ejercito de simps comprar su basura como si fuera el agua de belle delfine

3 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 02/11/21(mar)23:14:45 ID:fglLhRw10


4 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 03/11/21(mie)13:09:27 ID:kZuOarxi0

Baudrillard se retuerza en su tumba.

5 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 07/11/21(dom)00:56:41 ID:/aJm3JDta

El primer mundo no sabe qué hacer para sacar plata en su urbandad posmo.
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