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ERROR: Debes ingresar un título para crear un hilo. (8 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [BR] (* : 11/08/23(fri)10:10:05 ID:FiNTk2Yj0 rep del

>ERROR : Proxy prohibido.
>Por favor presiona Atrás y soluciona el problema.

2 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (146.70.*.*) : 11/08/23(fri)16:51:48 ID:k0NGVjNz0 rep del

proxy es cuando...posteas desde una ip no chilena...

3 : : 11/08/23(fri)17:18:24 ID:lhMThlMm0 rep del


4 : : 11/08/23(fri)17:21:32 ID:M5NmIzND0 rep del


5 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [MX] (* : 14/08/23(mon)09:31:40 ID:NiMWM1NW0 rep del


6 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 16/08/23(wed)09:57:18 ID:Y0Y2M3MWa rep del


7 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [DE] (2a02:8108:96c0:*:*.*.*.*) : 16/08/23(wed)12:05:40 ID:JiMjcxMD0 rep del

proxies >:-(

not a proxy :-)

8 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 18/08/23(fri)18:24:31 ID:g4MzVjNW0 rep del

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