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Recommend books to get into Spanish please (8 respuestas)

2 : Crítico despiadado de todo lo existente : 04/11/20(mie)08:58:10 ID:7jLwPyYRa!

You have the classic ones (El Quijote, Mio Cid and so on) but even us dont want to read them lol.

Then you have the *popular* ones, but I have not read them all. Some popular authors (I will name all the authors that my literature teacher liked) from latam like Julio Cortazar, Jorge Luis Borges, Angel David Revilla (also known as DrossRotzank in youtube, he does videos about creepy stories, he has good narrative skills and spelling), Manuel Rojas...

In the Castillian (spain) ones you have Unamuno, Félix Lope de Vega...

You can also check for poetry or written theater scripts, there are good ones.

You can also try to read your favourite authors translated into Spanish. Be aware that some translations use Spain's dialect and other use common Latam dialect, but the difference isnt that great.
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