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[2022] La palabra del año según el American Dialect Society es "-ussy" (4 respuestas)
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: 07/01/23(sab)15:17:43
>“The selection of the suffix -ussy highlights how creativity in new word formation has been embraced online in venues like TikTok,” Zimmer said. “The playful suffix builds off the word pussy to generate new slang terms. The process has been so productive lately on social media sites and elsewhere that it has been dubbed -ussification.”https://www.americandialect.org/2022-word-of-the-year-is-ussy
Parece que para ser popular en tiktok sólo basta repostear viejos memes de twitter y 4chan.
4 :
Crítico despiadado de todo lo existente
: 08/01/23(dom)14:07:23
Con noticias como esta estoy convencido que ya no es posible "desconectarse"
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