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ISIS como hijo del occidente (24 respuestas)

1 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 19/11/15(jue)21:52:22

Zuñiga posteó ayer un video explicando el origen de ISIS, atribuyéndoselo a EEUU, la OTAN e Inglaterra con el objetivo de desastibilizar las zona y los bordes con Rusia y China.

La mayoría verán esto como una teoría de conspiración. Qué opinan? Realmente sale difícil encontrar información al respecto.

20 : : 20/11/15(vie)16:12:55

Dudo que GG pueda decirse facho cuando tomas en consideración que gawker son puros troskos. Con suerte son ñoños enojados.

21 : : 20/11/15(vie)17:21:37

Bueno, no está completamente equivocado.

22 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 20/11/15(vie)17:52:40

23 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 22/11/15(dom)09:13:40

Ahora entiendo por qué a Putin le va tan bien en las elecciones. El tipo habla bien, seguro, y parece honesto. Casi que le compré todo lo que dijo.
>Wow I'm from America. Putin is always made out like a evil man. A man that hates America. But when I watched this man talked he passed the honest test with me. He is honest, well spoken, and 100% real and spoke from the heart. Look at the difference on how he spoke and compare it to all the other people in our government when they speak. There is truth and power from Putins words. I love America with everything I have and I will always love my country, but it looks like we are being lied to and played on a massive level and it needs to be stopped. America is getting so corrupt it's getting out of control.
Y los gringos también le compraron w

24 : Sin Nombre, firme junto a BaI@Casi al instante : 22/11/15(dom)16:44:05

Este post sí tiene fuentes.

- The disposal of the first democratically elected president in the Islamic world (1953), namely Mohammad Mosaddegh, by the hands of Western powers and by the order of the Oil Companies because he wanted to induce fair taxes and reforms on resource exploitation so his nation could prosper is a historical and documented fact.
- The installation of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi by the Western powers, with their full backing and support, wasn't even hidden.
The fact that Shah sold his people out, brought down all the reforms that would have brought economic prosperity to Iran and its people, and was a worse dictator than any of the modern known counterparts including Sadam Hussein, is a documented fact.
The consequence of all of this, starting from the retarded Western disposal of Mosa, is a fundamentalist theocratic Iran being born out of hatred, rather than us having today a democratic secular rational Iran with a great economy and being a rational stabilizing ally in the area if Mosa wasn't deposed.
- That the Western forces supported Saddam financially and with weaponry in the Iraq-Iran war, is a historical documented fact.
- That the Western forces abandoned Saddam after he couldn't get his hands on the oil in Iran, because this was the deal with the West in exchange for support, is a historical fact. This led to Saddam turning his sights on the neighboring dictatorship Kuwait.
- That the West financed and trained the Taliban and extremists, who later become Al-Qaeda and the terrorists of today, against Communist Russia during its Afghan invasion, is a historical documented fact.
- That we abandoned them after the Communist collapse, is a historical documented fact.
- That we financed ISIS/ISIL by financing and arming the rebels in Syria against Assad, is a documented historical fact.
- That we enabled theocracies in Libya and Egypt, and created conscription centers for fundamentalists, is a fact.

* Disposal of Mosaddegh & Installation of the Shah
* Shah's failed reforms and repressiveness:
* Theocratic Iran born out of hatred:
* West backed Saddam:
* Western forces abandon Saddam and let Iraq face the music for using chemical weapons in the Iran-Iraq war, hence why Iran got into trouble (even though as noted in one of the articles, the * USA was helping them target their missiles and the germans sold them dual-use chemicals.)
* West financed extremists in Afghanistan
* West abandoned Taliban Afghanistan
* West armed rebels in Syria
* We created theocracies in Libya and Egypt
(We intervened in a domestic conflict to aid Libya's rebels.)

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