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Sin Nombre@Botnet
: 12/09/12(mie)22:03:39
este hilo esta vacio
creo que puedo descansar aqui por un rato
pensar fuera del lenguaje
cuchillo: extension del brazo
libro: extension de la memoria
navi: navi... que es un navi
puedo sentir
por poco que sea, puedo sentir
entender... sentir ?
una realizacion inmediata
muchas cadenas
en mis brazos...
estoy encadenado ?
cadenas en mis manos...
puedo... usarlas... ?
a world of artifices
ghost in the machine
they are, they...
you wouldnt know.
but if i see it, will others...
rare, indeed. or is that...
i tried to, before i knew
but... i failed utterly.
well, i cant know that.
maybe, maybe one...
will realize, too...
two... i didnt knew them well, but
i told them it existed
that it wasnt what they think it is
but it is too vague...
no, someone else must know
already... but, how do i...
it will... i dont have to worry about that.
use. any...
no, not now. but...
i dont want to. it will come...