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[Inglaterra otra vez] Investigatory Powers Bill [Espionaje] (13 respuestas)
1 :
: 25/11/16(vie)14:33:07
Las agencias con acceso al historial de navegación de cada ciudadano británico son las siguientes:
Metropolitan Police Service
City of London Police
Police forces maintained under section 2 of the Police Act 1996
Police Service of Scotland
Police Service of Northern Ireland
British Transport Police
Ministry of Defence Police
Royal Navy Police
Royal Military Police
Royal Air Force Police
Security Service
Secret Intelligence Service
Ministry of Defence
Department of Health
Home Office
Ministry of Justice
National Crime Agency
HM Revenue & Customs
Department for Transport
Department for Work and Pensions
NHS trusts and foundation trusts in England that provide ambulance services
Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service
Competition and Markets Authority
Criminal Cases Review Commission
Department for Communities in Northern Ireland
Department for the Economy in Northern Ireland
Department of Justice in Northern Ireland
Financial Conduct Authority
Fire and rescue authorities under the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004
Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Scotland
Gambling Commission
Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority
Health and Safety Executive
Independent Police Complaints Commissioner
Information Commissioner
NHS Business Services Authority
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Health and Social Care Trust
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board
Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Regional Business Services Organisation
Office of Communications
Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
Police Investigations and Review Commissioner
Scottish Ambulance Service Board
Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission
Serious Fraud Office
Welsh Ambulance Services National Health Service Trust
3 :
: 25/11/16(vie)15:07:00
¿Del navegador? ¿pero esas páginas las registra el ISP? porque sino sería tan simple como no permitir que el navegador almacene historial y usar un addon para las cookies w.
Las primeras palabras de
>>1 te dejan claro que es de parte del ISP.
5 :
: 26/11/16(sab)06:50:12
Que alguien asesine a Theresa May por favor.
6 :
: 26/11/16(sab)12:29:15
Prepárense para un futuro que va a hacer parecer a Orwell y a Huxley como escritores de fanfiction
7 :
: 29/11/16(mar)14:51:37
9 :
: 29/11/16(mar)15:08:35
Con esto va a aumentar considerablemente el uso de Tor, proxies y VPNs.
Me pregunto si esta ley afectará nodos que se ubiquen en territorio inglés.
10 :
: 29/11/16(mar)20:18:59
sin esta ley ya eran 1984landia, ahora no me quiero ni imaginar
11 :
: 29/11/16(mar)20:20:39
Pobres britanicos, se los estan culeando parados su propio gobierno.
y esta bazofia es supuestamente por el bien de los niños jaaaa
¿Alguien quiere pensar en los niños?
4 KB
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