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Microsoft libera el source de MSDOS (8 respuestas)
1 :
: 30/09/18(dom)00:36:51
(Esta vez) en Github.
>"In March 2014, Microsoft released the source code to MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0 via the Computer History Museum. The announcement also contains a brief history of how MS-DOS came to be for those new to the subject, and ends with many links to related articles and resources for those interested in learning more. Today, we're re-open-sourcing MS-DOS on GitHub. Why? Because it's much easier to find, read, and refer to MS-DOS source files if they're in a GitHub repo than in the original downloadable compressed archive file.... Enjoy exploring the initial foundations of a family of operating systems that helped fuel the explosion of computer technology that we all rely upon for so much of our modern lives!">"While non-source modifications are welcome, "The source will be kept static," reads a note on the GitHub repo, "so please don't send Pull Requests suggesting any modifications to the source files.""But feel free to fork this repo and experiment!"
https://news.slashdot.org/story/18/09/29/090226/microsoft-re-open-sources-ms-dos-on-githubhttps://github.com/Microsoft/MS-DOSQuizás ahora FreeDOS podrá actualizarse y sacar alguna que otra cosa nueva....
FreeDos dijo que no servía de mucho, a menos que necesiten mayor compatibilidad.
3 :
: 30/09/18(dom)01:22:16
Seguramente la NSA hace un fork de esto
>>3Seguramente los del Sodimac harán uno :)
Por fin sabré por qué mi computadora se cayó esa fría noche de 1989.
7 :
: 30/09/18(dom)02:47:44
Podrían haber liberado el código de DOS 6.0 los huevoncitos.
Podrían haber liberado el código de Windows 7
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