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Ex-director de productos de Reddit dice que "hizo al mundo peor" por querer crecer a cualquier costo (5 respuestas)

1 : : 14/10/18(dom)19:42:19 ID:sl1rg6C70

> McComas said growth trumped everything in Reddit board meetings, even if it was harmful for Reddit's community, which now sits at 330 milliom monthly active users.
> "There was never, in any board meeting that I have ever attended, a conversation about the users, about things that were going on that were bad, about potential dangers, about decisions that might affect potential dangers."
> He added: "I fundamentally believe that my time at Reddit made the world a worse place. And that sucks, and it sucks to have to say that about myself."
> "The arguments were usually, 'We don't want to touch this because these are our most volatile users and they'll just make things a nightmare," he said, adding that decisions weren't reached unless forced by pressure from the press.

2 : : 15/10/18(lun)04:28:54 ID:???0

M00t debería hacer el mismo mea culpa. En realidad casi todas las comunidades grandes de internet han hecho del mundo un peor lugar.

3 : : 15/10/18(lun)16:25:14 ID:???0

Buen llamado de atención para aquellos que en intentar que sus comunidades crezcan terminan alienando a los usuarios que ya tienen.

4 : : 15/10/18(lun)19:53:04 ID:GXtOOH7/0

No he conocido ninguna comunidad de internet que no haya terminado así, incluso esta misma.

5 : : 16/10/18(mar)13:36:59 ID:???0!

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