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Cómo cuidarse del fingerprinting (10 respuestas)
4 :
: 07/02/19(jue)00:39:42
>¿es la única solución usar Tor para navegar? ¿Activar privacy.resistFingerprinting en Firefox?
Escuché por ahí (en otro hilo) que Stallman usa IceCat con Tor así que por ahí va la cosa.
5 :
: 07/02/19(jue)22:09:59
>I generally do not connect to web sites from my own machine, aside from a few sites I have some special relationship with. I usually fetch web pages from other sites by sending mail to a program (see https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/womb/hacks.git) that fetches them, much like wget, and then mails them back to me. Then I look at them using a web browser, unless it is easy to see the text in the HTML page directly. I usually try lynx first, then a graphical browser if the page needs it (using konqueror, which won't fetch from other sites in such a situation).>I occasionally also browse unrelated sites using IceCat via Tor. Except for rare cases, I do not identify myself to them. I think that is enough to prevent my browsing from being connected with me. IceCat blocks tracking tags and most fingerprinting methods.https://stallman.org/stallman-computing.html
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