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Aparentemente la navidad es ofensiva para algunas personas (7 respuestas)

1 : : 21/12/19(sab)13:53:08 ID:anc6izcE0

> The Santa Hat on vscode insiders and pushing of religion is very offensive to me, additionally xmas has cost millions of Jews their lives over the centuries, yet even if that was not the case, pushing religious symbols as part of a product update is completely unacceptable. Please remove it immediately and make it your top priority. To me this is almost equally offensive as a swastika.

2 : : 21/12/19(sab)14:09:20 ID:iTmahvN3a

En serio vas a usar este board para poner cahuines sjws de github? Estai cagao del mate?

3 : : 21/12/19(sab)14:13:58 ID:Mh9780Cia

Pero si es ofensivo... Pero coincido con 2, para eso está Twitter

4 : : 21/12/19(sab)15:34:20 ID:TOZ0BHa6a

Es un troll esa wea yo creo.

5 : : 21/12/19(sab)15:54:51 ID:j8eHKhkd0

que estupidez

6 : : 21/12/19(sab)17:33:22 ID:CsOEeBOL0

el remate del chiste es que mierdasoft lo quitó.

7 : : 21/12/19(sab)19:52:37 ID:LS4E+ARca

Entiendelos, son refugiados de otros chanes.
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