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Snowden: "Cada funcionario técnico es cómplice en las corporaciones dañando a la sociedad" (5 respuestas)
1 :
: 28/06/20(dom)23:14:06
>“Engineers like to believe that they’re like scientists, what they do is something that is pure, and they’re just trying to get the rocket up. Where the rocket comes down is not their department,” Snowden said.>“People who make spreadsheets, people who make weather apps, people who just wanted to create family tree websites, all of them are being bought out, are being subverted, are being corrupted, are being incentivized into building capabilities into their platforms, into their apps that fundamentally work against the public and in the favor of some institution wherever they happen to be,” Snowden said.https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/wxqx8q/snowden-tech-workers-are-complicit-in-how-their-companies-hurt-society
2 :
: 28/06/20(dom)23:57:08
Ser Stallman o no ser Stallman.
>“The reality is all work is political work. I don’t care if you’re selling hotdogs on the street. We’re all confronted with choices about how our labor is used, how we direct that, who we are really serving, who we’re working for and who benefits from the labor of our lives,”
>“It’s not enough to read, it’s not enough to believe in something, it’s not enough to write something, you have to eventually stand for something if you want things to change,” he said.
3 :
: 29/06/20(lun)01:16:26
Snowden está mostrando su nivel de poder de a poco.
4 :
: 29/06/20(lun)03:35:25
Eres culpable de todo lo que yo diga.
5 :
: 29/06/20(lun)03:48:05
Referentes gringos descubren la consecuencia política.
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