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[Seguridad] Flatpak es bueno para instalar software privativo? (11 respuestas)
1 :
: 16/08/20(dom)19:17:08
Al principio flatpak me parecía software milenial pero después de leer un poco más al respecto me atrajo que sandboxee el software que se instala con él. Sería una alternativa segura para instalar software privativo como Steam?
2 :
: 16/08/20(dom)19:41:38
3 :
: 16/08/20(dom)21:25:11
En teoría sí, pero al menos en el caso de steam instalarlo por flatpak termina rompiendo más cosas y consumiendo más recursos que yendo por la vía multiarch.
Depende del sistema, he visto ambos casos, donde Flatpak rompe todo o donde todo funciona con un click. Más lo segundo, sí.
Yo probaría Flatpak primero, porque de lo contrario estás prestándole el culo a Steam y a cada desarrollador de jueguitos y software privativo en general y confiando en que no te van a penetrar. Por ejemplo, hace unos años Steam tuvo un bug donde el cliente borraba la carpeta /home completita w
5 :
: 16/08/20(dom)22:41:52
No me agrada defender a RedHat pero esto es lo que un dev de ElementaryOS tuvo que decir al respecto:
>You can safely ignore this.>Flatpak doesn’t magically create perfect security and privacy. It provides an enforceable way to make things more secure and more private than they currently are.>Yes, some Flatpaks are currently being distributed with less-than-perfect sandboxing. The Firefox Flatpak by default currently can access your Downloads folder. But the Debian package can already access anything in your home directory. So while not perfectly confined, the Flatpak is a huge improvement. And, if you want, you can choose to adjust the Flatpak sandbox to your liking. You can even disallow Firefox from accessing the internet. This is not posible with the current deb package.>Some remotes may not have great security policies. But you already have this problem with traditional package managers too. Look at all the scrutiny Mint has faced over their security policy. Tons of people add PPAs today without a second thought of their security policy. There is nothing about the format that decides this. It is up to you to make sure you trust the sources of your packages. This is a big reason that it is always advised to stick to the software sources that come with your distribution.>Every Debian package you’ve ever installed has root permission at install time. And popular packages (like Chrome) exploit this fact regularly to make modifications to the host system. This will never be fixed for Debian packages because it is part of their design. This is why Mark Shuttleworth pointed out years ago that you effectively give root to every maintainer of every PPA you add to your system. The exploit the author complains about was fixed nearly 3 years ago in Flatpak. Flatpak packages and maintainers who distribute flatpaks do not have root permissions on your system by design.https://old.reddit.com/r/elementaryos/comments/fx2jlc/flatpak_a_security_nightmare/fmtkyao/
8 :
: 17/08/20(lun)07:21:14
>>5 imagina odiar algo porque es mOdA y porque un sitio anónimo te lo dice
el sitio anónimo es literalmente una lista de argumentos.
10 :
: 17/08/20(lun)17:01:27
al menos flatpak es mejor que snap...
11 :
: 18/08/20(mar)00:03:13
flatpak es FOSS, snap no
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