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Gobierno gringo está considerando forzar a Google a que venda Chrome (10 respuestas)
1 :
: 10/10/20(sab)18:15:58
>Discussions about how to resolve Google’s control over the $162.3 billion global market for digital advertising remain ongoing, and no final decisions have been made, the people cautioned, speaking anonymously to discuss confidential discussions. But prosecutors have asked advertising technology experts, industry rivals and media publishers for potential steps to weaken Google’s grip.>DOJ is separately preparing an antitrust suit accusing Google of abusing its control on the online search market, which the department could file as soon as next week. Targets of that complaint are expected to include the ways Google uses its Android mobile operating system to help entrench its search engine.>The expected litigation comes as Google and fellow tech industry heavyweights Facebook, Amazon and Apple are facing growing scrutiny from both Republicans and Democrats in Washington for issues such as their squashing of competitors, treatment of users’ private data and handling of disinformation in the presidential race.https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/10/feds-may-target-googles-chrome-browser-for-breakup-428468
3 :
: 10/10/20(sab)19:36:55
Año raro ww
4 :
: 10/10/20(sab)19:54:15
Ojalá lo hagan y no nos dejen solo con las ganas.
5 :
: 11/10/20(dom)11:56:43
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa me dio un orgasmo de la emocion
6 :
: 11/10/20(dom)13:32:43
Les traigo un poco de pesimismo: dividir estos monopolios monstruosos se hace para extender la vida del sistema. Cuando se dice que algo es "muy grande para caer" significa que si llega a caer se va a llevar al resto del sistema con él. Además las pymes en tecnología siempre son lideradas por libertontos que sueñan con ser absorbidos por FAANG, así que si los gigantes caen otros gigantes se van a formar.
7 :
: 11/10/20(dom)16:25:09
<no fagman
Pero no le quita lo cierto. Que te compren es en cierto modo un alivio porque te desestresas un poco del tema financiero.
8 :
: 20/10/20(mar)13:53:41
Lo más seguro es que no suceda nada.
>>6Ni cuando pasan cosas buenas se conforman, anarkakas culiaos.
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