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Merkel dice que twitter baneando a Trump es problemático (11 respuestas)

1 : : 12/01/21(mar)20:39:14 ID:u+oP+8VM0

>"The right to freedom of opinion is of fundamental importance," Merkel's spokesman said.
>"Given that, the chancellor considers it problematic that the president's accounts have been permanently suspended."
>"[The Twitter ban] is problematic because we have to ask on which basis (was it made), on which laws and what does it mean for the future actions of social media platforms?" Jens Zimmermann, a Social Democrat member of parliament told DW.
>"We are talking about the head of state of a democratic country. Obviously Donald Trump wasn't very popular in Germany. But nevertheless, this could happen to somebody else who won an election."
>Zimmermann, who is a member of the German Parliament's Committee on the Digital Agenda, maintained that it was a problem when one person, the CEO of a company, stops a state leader reaching out to millions of people.
>"We need to to come up with regulation. And we need to be careful about what power these platforms have. I think it's no surprise that Twitter came up with that solution, with 12 days to go until Donald Trump leaves office. And the same applies to Facebook," he said.
>Germany and other European countries have grown increasingly concerned about the power of social media companies to shape public discourse.

2 : : 12/01/21(mar)21:16:41 ID:PnrRgKYqR

Estan alegando puras weas contradiciendoce a ellos mismos

3 : : 12/01/21(mar)22:26:14 ID:eDHj/smL0

Todo lo que esos dos dijeron es correcto en todo caso.

4 : : 12/01/21(mar)23:05:31 ID:Wwi0YVNta

Es verdad, pero igual fue chistoso

5 : : 14/01/21(jue)00:31:26 ID:3OMKVlA30

Ahora que los políticos están abriendo los ojos los multimillonarios de Silicon Valley se están cagando de miedo.

>This moment in time might call for this dynamic, but over the long term it will be destructive to the noble purpose and ideals of the open internet. A company making a business decision to moderate itself is different from a government removing access, yet can feel much the same.

6 : : 15/01/21(vie)23:32:10 ID:ykVbpq/Z0

Podrían empezar a usar ActivityPub pero mejor reinventar la rueda así mantienen completo control al acceso y los datos mientras dejan que la comunidad del software abierto les haga la pega gratis como es tan popular últimamente y de paso no usar una licencia libre como GPL.

7 : : 16/01/21(sab)02:10:58 ID:rjpHNs/Va

Que aumente el presupuesto al proyecto Tribler y priorice soporte IPv6 y WebRTC

8 : : 17/01/21(dom)12:30:43 ID:fIlpActPi

¿IPv6? ¿WebRTC? Pésimos para la privacidad

9 : : 17/01/21(dom)13:10:26 ID:qM3X8szia

La censura es algo problemático. La idiotez hay que derrotarla humillando al idiota, no censurándolo. Para eso están los fachos.

10 : : 17/01/21(dom)23:05:47 ID:lkU4bDZQa

>>8 excusas baratas más bien.

11 : : 31/01/21(dom)12:08:11 ID:4nSfIlh/0

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