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[Blockchain] CIA confirma que tiene varios proyectos involucrados en criptomonedas (5 respuestas)

1 : : 10/12/21(vie)18:23:53 ID:ODdmM2M00

>The technology behind Bitcoin is a “boon for surveillance” and shouldn’t be shunned by governments but embraced, according to an ex-CIA boss.
>Michael Morell, who was previously the CIA’s acting director, said in ‘An Analysis of Bitcoin’s Use in Illicit Finance’ that “blockchain technology is a powerful but underutilized forensic tool for governments to identify illicit activity and bring criminals to justice.”

2 : : 10/12/21(vie)20:38:12 ID:MzU5YWQ10

momento jehu

3 : : 11/12/21(sab)11:35:06 ID:ODI3NWRh0

La mayoría de la gente que se mete a las moneditas virtuales cree que las transacciones son anónimas.

4 : : 13/12/21(lun)14:01:04 ID:YmI0N2Nh0

La familia CryptoNote lo es

5 : : 13/12/21(lun)17:25:45 ID:Zjg2YWEx0

Buen intento, CIA!
1 KB

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