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[Vigilancia] El software de la policía gringa para recolectar datos de periodistas en protestas (6 respuestas)
1 :
: 27/03/22(dom)04:17:13
>Photojournalist J.D. Duggan was covering a protest in Minnesota in April 2021 when police officers surrounded him and others, and told them to get on the ground. >Officers sorted the press from the protesters, walked them to a parking lot, and began photographing them, one by one, with cellphones, which they told Duggan would be stored in an app. >A personal data request to the Minnesota State Patrol revealed multiple photos of Duggan, geolocation data about where the photos were taken, and information about the officer who took them. >MIT Technology Review’s investigation has found the data was collected using a tool called Intrepid Response, an easy way to almost instantly de-anonymize protest attendees and keep tabs on their movements. >The photos are kept in data repositories which include photos and personal information about individuals at protests and appear to be accessible to multiple agencies, including federal groups.https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/03/23/1047899/secret-police-app-minnesota-police-journalists-protests-data
Hay que ser tonto para llevar teléfonos a manifestaciones, ni siquiera en modo avión. Hay que llevar cámaras de fotos pero que no tengan tecnología de teléfonos.
3 :
: 27/03/22(dom)16:22:24
Los teléfonos que usan son los de los policías, no los de los periodistas w
4 :
: 27/03/22(dom)17:18:10
Pero si la prensa está del lado del status quo ¿por qué la policía los antagoniza?
5 :
: 27/03/22(dom)18:08:28
Considerando que no les hacen nada (aparte de perfilarlos invasiva y violentamente después de obligarlos a ponerse en el suelo) debe ser una táctica para intimidarlos y "mandar un mensaje".
>>4Por si acaso se les ocurre cambiar de parecer.
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