1 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (152.173.* d71f)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:26:24
In my case, I was looking for a new home page, and this one fits perfectly (^ω^ )
2 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.baf.movistar.cl 23b5)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:28:33
test hello 2get (^ω^ )
3 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (*.iplannetworks.net 9b31)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:30:01
Yes hello おはよう
4 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.baf.movistar.cl 23b5)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:31:56
Whoa works great.
In my case a friend at university recommended it. I wonder if he still comes here though as I haven't seen him for a few years now.
5 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.cm.vtr.net 190c)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:34:12
I read somewhere this place was dead, so I felt like visiting an old website where I can read some posts, I like that feelking, then I checked it myself and stayed because I liked the style. It was not truly dead.
6 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [JP] (*.yournet.ne.jp 2c1e)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:44:55
( ゚∀゚)
( ∩ミ
| ωつ,゙
し ⌒J
7 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.baf.movistar.cl d39d)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:46:13
8 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.baf.movistar.cl 9b31)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:52:46
9 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.baf.movistar.cl d39d)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:53:09
10 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (*.mensrea.org 88ef)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:54:24
11 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.baf.movistar.cl ba15)
: 06/05/16(fri)00:58:38
Knew the site because of 6-chan but I became a regular since this year because of the latest nido's shut down.
12 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [JP] (*.ocn.ne.jp 6d10)
: 06/05/16(fri)01:09:45
( ̄>::( ゚Д゚)<(⌒\:::::::/⌒)
( ̄/:::::::: (_>::( ゚Д゚)::<
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ヽ / .:::/
/ ̄ ̄ヽ(,,゚Д゚) ~ ̄ヽ <
/ / /| |ヽ \
(__ ̄l/__U"U V`"
14 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl d39d)
: 06/05/16(fri)01:15:07
◯( ´∀` )◯
\ /
(_) ノ
15 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [JP] (*.bbtec.net 4c34)
: 06/05/16(fri)01:34:47
16 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [JP] (*.ocn.ne.jp 2742)
: 06/05/16(fri)01:38:26
17 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (155.210.* ba15)
: 06/05/16(fri)06:45:28
I saw a thread on 4chan's /jp/
That thread about Marisa, right?w
19 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (200.54.* ec93)
: 06/05/16(fri)11:01:30
Is that thread still going on? If so, please give link, I'd like to see how did they respond
20 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.bam.movistar.cl 5cbc)
: 06/05/16(fri)11:13:59
I read about this site around 2010 because of 6-chan, but I kept with 6-chan and its successors until the shutdown of Choroy Pride, after that, I had a mild depression and started hating the site, I had a time of change in which I became a totally different person, and some years later I ran into BaI because I was looking for a way to use MAL from the linux terminal, and BaI's dev had a program like that, so I came here to see how it was after all these years, and I ended up sticking.
23 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (*.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com 4c88)
: 06/05/16(fri)19:24:05
>>20>because I was looking for a way to use MAL from the linux terminalHaha what a nerd.
24 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (152.173.* d71f)
: 06/05/16(fri)19:47:10
Well, to be fair it was pretty nerd.
25 :
cuck [CO] (190.67.* 2d1a)
: 06/05/16(fri)21:20:02
My mother gets fucked by an italian all the nigths
Not really cuckold, unless you're into your mother. Which would be even more creepy.
I was here to say the same thing lmao
So apparently Maddox was right after all ww
31 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (*.multisec.no)
: 07/05/16(sat)01:39:49
BaI is kind of a big deal where I come from...
Are you from the future?
A dystopian future??
33 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 07/05/16(sat)12:25:43
BaI is popular and you call it dystopian??
Oh no, what a brute, put him a zero
34 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (*.iplannetworks.net)
: 07/05/16(sat)12:30:06
What if it's a world where freedom of speech doesn't exist anymore and BaI is one of the last few places where you can freely say what you think without being sent to the gallows
>>33It should be "what an ass, give him an F-".
36 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (152.173.*)
: 07/05/16(sat)12:40:22
>>35Ass is more like "jerk", like someone being a douchebag. I think "dumbass" would be better.
>>34Then we'd probably have to move to the freenet or the deep web so we don't get shut down. Actually it would be nice to be a .onion BBS.
>>36Dumbass, idiot, donkey, dunce, etc.
39 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 07/05/16(sat)14:47:23
>>36If BaI is one of the last free places, there probably isn't a freenet or tornet anymore. Probably BaI is one of the last free places because of how small it is.
Well then we would create the BAINET, and it would be the greatest... most free... gigantic circlejerk ever, and no one ever would disturb us (゜∀ ゜ )
And there would be two posts a day.
If there was something like a global dictatorship, I don't see how you'd be able to evade the authorities and protect a server from being traced and brought down. Guess that's just the kind of thing you only see in movies/VNs.
43 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 07/05/16(sat)17:34:54
Probably Tor or similar distributed mesh networks are the only possibility.
You don't even know where the server is so you don't know which connection to cut off.
44 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (*.iplannetworks.net)
: 07/05/16(sat)17:36:36
Then how does the FBI bust down problem websites?
(I'm talking about Tor websites)
46 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 07/05/16(sat)17:42:01
As far as I know in they past they've used either social engineering (ie. infiltrating their staff and get personal and server information from administrators), phishing (setting up fake login pages; kind of easy since few people look carefully at the onion URL every time) and Javascript exploits. Nothing related to exploiting the Tor technology itself.
52 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [RU] (185.128.*.*)
: 09/05/16(mon)05:48:36
cold tires
53 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [RU] (185.128.*.*)
: 09/05/16(mon)05:51:38
>>51>ID:poI/pt8U0>pol/Are you Aryan master race?
54 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (152.173.*.*)
: 09/05/16(mon)07:46:11
happy coincidence
55 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [FI] (*.turkuai.fi)
: 09/05/16(mon)08:03:35
>>53 Using Mona that I looks different from an l.
Mona font should be forced on this board.
58 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [JP] (*.george24.com)
: 09/05/16(mon)13:33:45
I am looking for the bathroom? Is this the right place?
59 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (152.173.*.*)
: 09/05/16(mon)13:45:53
That's rude
60 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 09/05/16(mon)13:53:30
hello george
i am a pen
61 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (198.237.*.*)
: 09/05/16(mon)14:29:02
The TOP SECRET Area of VIP QUALITY for VIPPERS of the most paramount in VIP QUALITY
62 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [JP] (122.248.*.*)
: 09/05/16(mon)14:30:37
63 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (152.173.*.*)
: 09/05/16(mon)14:32:35
English please.
You know this board isn't supposed to be only in english, right
65 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 09/05/16(mon)14:33:48
66 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (*.telmex.net.ar)
: 09/05/16(mon)14:34:14
>>61 I miss SAoVQ.
The original .net one, I mean.
67 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 09/05/16(mon)14:37:05
What happened to SAoVQ?
>>64Right, but he's the only japanese here right now, and we're all speaking in english. Also, is not like he can't speak in english if he wants.
Stop being such an ass kisser just because he's japanese dude.
69 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (*.telmex.net.ar)
: 09/05/16(mon)14:55:43
>Stop being such an ass kisser just because he's japanese dude.
Where do you even get this you sperg ('∀`)
(uf empezamos con el autismo
71 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [JP] (122.248.*.*)
: 09/05/16(mon)15:01:56
(han estado todos estos días llamando autistas a los que tienen una opinión distinta estos días en BaI, en fin, simplemente opino que sería mejor si hablara en inglés para que todos entendieran en vez de sólo los japoneses porque el traductor conjuga mal y no se entiende una mierda, ¿ahí sí?)
(han estado todos estos días llamando autistas a los que tienen una opinión distinta estos días en BaI, en fin, simplemente opino que sería mejor si hablara en inglés para que todos entendieran en vez de sólo los japoneses porque el traductor conjuga mal y no se entiende una mierda, ¿ahí sí?)
Tu exagerada reacción es digna de ser llamada "autista", autista.
75 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.vtr.net)
: 09/05/16(mon)15:06:33
Pero es entretenido que haya varios idiomas dando vuelta, tampoco creo que diga algo crucial. Como el fantasma ése que habla en un idioma bíblico.
It's a board where you're supposed to talk in any language except spanish.
Stop being fucking retarded.
S-sorry...didn't notice...
>Stop being fucking retarded.
Men, se alteran al tiro por una pequeñez y uno es el autista ww...
Además de autista sos retrasado, papu, si vos fuiste el primero en alterarte y decir que otro andaba siendo un "asskisser".
>sería mejor si hablara en inglés para que todos entendieran
>Welcome to the international board. This board is for discussion and chatting in any language besides Spanish.
i⌒i /⌒/
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WHAT A PICARDY \__,..-'"
>>79Me parecía que lo estaba siendo. No lo voy a insultar así por eso, es un poco infantil andar soltando tantas groserías por nada.
83 :
Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (*.movistar.cl)
: 09/05/16(mon)15:14:17
¿Por decirte algo que está en el mismo header? Ok
ayyyyyyyyyy groseriiiiiiiiiasssssssssssss
Obviamente me refería al tipo que dijo "stop being a fucking retarded", estás tergiversando todo ww
Revisa el ID, soy ese. Supongo que tenía razón.
JAJA veo que fue buena idea poner IDs
Bueno, pero no te llamé infantil por haberme corregido, me habría parecido bien si hubiera sido sólo eso, sino por ponerte a putear al tiro sin motivo, por qué te enojas tanto amigo ww