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Memes of the World (19 respuestas)

1 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 07/05/16(sat)17:55:00 ID:8d042amK0

What are your favorite memes, tbh smh fam

2 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 07/05/16(sat)17:57:29 ID:v3RmmVRE0

3 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 07/05/16(sat)17:58:49 ID:/BgsjChQ0

Not a racist but old moonman was funny
I wish they did something like that with Loquendo
Moonman song (3:15)
The fallen Reaper

4 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [??] (* : 07/05/16(sat)18:00:30 ID:0/ytw8poT

lol /pol/ is shit

5 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 07/05/16(sat)18:00:49 ID:hhPTy7Lz0

I'm a sucker for old /jp/ memes.

6 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 07/05/16(sat)18:07:20 ID:/BgsjChQ0

Which are those?

7 : : 07/05/16(sat)18:16:27 ID:v3RmmVRE0

                ,イ三彡'´    ``丶彡彡三ミヽ
                  /三シ'_,,,....,,_      ヾ彡彡≦!
             _/三' "´ ̄`ヾミ)      ヾ彡三}
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             /rにリ   "´__ ン'  /_._ヾ:>、 ハヽミ7′
              ゝ_ン″  ,. ´(r;゙'´ヽ' ヽ、:ヾ:} ハヾシ
            /  / . : : : : :.`' ぅ)   ゙' ' /ノ少_,. -- 、__
             /  .: :.  ヾ7>、 : : :  、  ,ィ7'´/ ヽj_ノ , `ヽ、
          / | : : : : .丶 `ヾ>,、 .: ,  /ー'l_) し'、.: : f´
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         /   \:丶: : : : : : :/: : /!::::/。/::/ア⌒ヾ
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二                 /        `ー '"´ ̄`ヽ

8 : Richard Dawkins [CL] (152.173.*) : 07/05/16(sat)19:10:29 ID:iqdvSaMz0


9 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [ES] (* : 07/05/16(sat)22:22:11 ID:NXQdkv+S0

The aikido copypastas. I was thinking on translating some to Spanish on VIP lobby but I'm afraid people will bully my manolo Spanish

10 : : 07/05/16(sat)22:24:14 ID:OsRZ1IRm0

ww don't worry about thatt

11 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (* : 07/05/16(sat)22:25:10 ID:/BgsjChQ0

We don't do that here


12 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (152.173.*) : 07/05/16(sat)22:28:19 ID:OsRZ1IRm0

I haven't really seen xenophobic pricks around here. BaI is color-free ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

13 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [AR] (* : 07/05/16(sat)23:03:21 ID:v3RmmVRE0

>>9 No way dude.
Speaking of kopipe I like the Yoshinoya ones.

14 : : 08/05/16(sun)00:32:15 ID:eteBsvJS0

Shit, I realized I don't even know what's a popular meme nowadays and what's old and busted. Guess I'm not 14 anymore lol.

There's always U U U U at least, that doesn't seem to get old.

15 : : 08/05/16(sun)01:09:44 ID:LOM2VbD/0

Oh man, how could I forget about Baneposting
I fucking love that one too. The dialogue in that movie was so ridiculous.

16 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (190.121.*) : 08/05/16(sun)01:55:18 ID:Vl+7CVSrR

I'm trinking now and i don't know now how i'm drinking

17 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [US] (* : 08/05/16(sun)02:00:55 ID:iuxfv7So0

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18 : : 08/05/16(sun)02:02:38 ID:bySV695q0

Atta boy >>17

19 : : 08/05/16(sun)08:11:31 ID:TAw9UsVT0

is penis a meme?
6 KB

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