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Human Rights in your country (66 respuestas)

21 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [UA] (* : 26/08/16(fri)23:16:37 ID:crIlS+hB0

Ukraine is a hell without human rights, and it's only getting worse. We have a very polarized society, especially about sexuality. On one extreme we have ultra SJW like FEMEN, on the other extreme the government. Since 2007, a high-speed destruction of the society has been underway. There is no freedom of expression in real life, the government doesn't care much what is said online if it doesn't incite violence though and that's the only positive side of it. But when it comes to porn and sexual freedom between consenting adults of opposite sex, there is no more freedom at all outside marriage and it makes me angry. Dating is essentially forbidden. The police have unlimited power to do anything and raids on people's homes happen every day, if they have suspicion that there is porn. Watching porn online is difficult because all the big porn sites are blocked, repeated attempts to access them will get arrested and in the worst case shot dead for resisting arrest. Small porn sites can still be accessed and proxies exist, but proxy sites are also now starting to get blocked and porn results on Google are now filtered either because Google is cucks for allowing the government to demand it or the ISP has to add its own filter. Either way Ukraine is now hell for everyone who is not rich enough to bribe the system. There is an ongoing campaign to prosecute camgirls, prostitutes, pornographers, etc. and the cops have infiltrated every level of society to gain information about people's private sex life. A friend of mine went missing two years ago and some months later she was found dead, every cop did not care because she was a "succubus" so they all knew she'd been camwhoring to pay her rent. It was clear the cops had killed her but no one was ever arrested because all the cops agreed with it, they are also starting to shoot on sight anyone suspected of porn. In my town a man who had uploaded sex videos with his girlfriend online was shot last month, the cops said he had a gun and threatened to shoot but everyone knows that is not true. No one knows what happened to his girlfriend so it is assumed she was shot by the cops too, or arrested. The worst part is that the only feminists in the country do not care because minorities are not being especially targeted. Our only feminists are FEMEN and they are lying leftist propaganda monsters who tarnish the reputation of every girl who is treated badly by anyone by claiming she protested with them topless even if the girl opposes FEMEN, and say that the protesting was why they were treated badly. Then we also have extremists who want to ban the teaching of evolution from schools, and demand creationism to be taught instead, and they also want to kill everyone whose hair is not blond and eyes are not blue, which is a little ironic when Ukrainians do not have blond hair and blue eyes by default like Poles or Russians. We have a lot more Turkic and Uralic ancestors, of course the "nationalists" claim that to be a lie because they themselves are purely Russian and do not want Ukraine to even exist independent of Russia... How they can then call themselves nationalists is incomprehensible, they even take Naryzhenko seriously but are also ashamed and even deny knowing who he is or why they agree with him and the other Putin cucks especially of Russia like Berdnikov, Kadyrov, etc. They want to destroy Ukraine and they will not stop at anything to do it, they ally with every extreme side they can even if they hate each other because the extremes all know that they have the same ultimate goal of removing Ukrainian independence.
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