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Greetings from /leftypol/ (148 respuestas)

39 : Nameless@Passing through the lobby [CL] (191.119.*.*) : 04/08/16(thu)11:21:24 ID:oNdjgHi2a

>How is it like /pol/?

It's the same communication dynamics. Opinions are deeply unilateral but they make appear as if that wasn't the case because of 1) being well informed in history and nowadays politics BUT "being aware" of which forces are lying so they can select their sources; and 2) being well versed in theoretical literature which supports their opinions (not just Marx but the more obscure the better).

You may not be aware of this because of taking a brief glimpse at /pol/ and despising them by just perceiving radical infantilism (which of course they see in /leftypol/) but the truth is they do exactly the same. They actually read a lot of shit which benefits them about history and politics and they glorify thinkers like Evola (maybe Carl Shmitt too I would think), without paying attention to other theoretical standpoint.

And of course, besides these "quality posters", there is full of just inmature idiots in both boards. Yes, in terms of quantity is a lot more on /pol/ than /leftypol/...but that has to do with a lot variables and not just the ideology as such (like /leftypol/ being a lot less known).
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