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Greetings from /leftypol/ (148 respuestas)

63 : : 04/08/16(thu)18:48:19 ID:nf0IXjqZ0

That may be true, but as I browse leftypol catalog now I don't seem to find anything of much more value, except a thread about german idealism (and one thread about one guy angry because someone offended Chomsky, and 2 others about Zizek and Stirner which have (not them, but their threads) attained meme value now...there is a thread with 7 replies about Hegel too). So, yeah, /pol/ is utterly shit but /leftypol/ is not sooooo much better.

65 : : 04/08/16(thu)19:01:24 ID:nf0IXjqZ0

Yeah...I was browsing the archive. Now I'm browsing the catalog. It's shit, like, it really is shit. Forget what I said. /leftypol/ is better.
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